Marcial Waters: what they are useful

Marcial Waters: what they are useful
 Petrozavodsk is close to the resort "Marcial Waters". It served as a special base composition of water from the valley of ferruginous mineral springs and mud. Health resort founded by Peter I. Since then, Marcial water repeatedly studied by scientists, and the results confirmed the constancy of the chemical composition of such water.
 Marcial waters are poorly mineralized nitrogen ferrous bicarbonate-sulphate waters. They are considered to be cold - their temperature is 5 ° C and slightly acidic - pH 6, 5. The main value of these waters is a high concentration of active iron. Besides it, this water contains calcium, sodium, magnesium and manganese. Water is purified by passing through a path shungit deposits.

Marcial water sources is very beneficial effect on the entire body. They increase resistance to infection, improve the digestive organs, increase appetite and normalize the level of hemoglobin in the blood, help to strengthen the entire body.

Water from different sources Marcial has its indications, so the treatment of diseases in each case should consult a doctor.

For prophylaxis is recommended to drink water Marcial as a regular table, the people who have suffered a serious illness, as well as anemia. Of particular value is the water for the treatment of iron-deficiency anemia, which often affects women.

Simultaneous reception of Marcial water and reduces the glycemic index of carbohydrates latter, which is of great importance in the diet of patients with type II diabetes and obese.

The healing water is of great importance in preserving the beauty and youth. It contains a full range of mineral elements, which enhances the complexion, gives the skin freshness and radiance. Manganese, potassium, magnesium, calcium, zinc, copper and cobalt - is a mineral that neutralize free radicals and to activate the blood circulation in the skin, thereby significantly increase its protective strength. In the skin, normalizes metabolism, she cleared her hardly arise blackheads and pimples.

Elasticity of the skin while taking Marcial waters enhanced by copper ions, reacts with proteins and amino acids. Saturation of mineral water from Marcial sources contributes to the preservation of tooth enamel, so teeth stay healthy and beautiful.

It is interesting that Marcial water you need to drink slowly, preferably through a straw while pacing, because the movement activates the effect of water on the gastric mucosa. Tea and coffee drink only be one hour before or after administration of the medicinal water, since they neutralize its beneficial effects.

Tags: water property