Finding useful dinner

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 Dinner or supper? If so, what better dish to cook? So the question is raised by many people who care about their health and about their figure. Very often you can see a picture that during the day people do not eat almost, but in the evening meal he consumes the bulk of calories, and dishes are prepared is not the most useful products. Therefore, the question of how to make a healthy and nutritious dinner, very relevant.

There is a proverb: "Eat breakfast yourself, share dinner with a friend, dinner and give the enemy." Many people want to lose weight just stick to this principle: they are entirely excluded from their diet dinner. Agree with them, and some nutritionists who believe that the meal in the evening nepolezen and damaging to the figures.

But today more and more appears opinions and doctors and nutritionists, and themselves losing weight that dinner is still necessary. Especially in those cases where it is a main meal. The whole question is as there is at this time.

If you have a night on the plate is well-done piece of meat, served with potato fries, salad and mayonnaise, then talk about the benefits of such a meal is not necessary. And if you still eat late hours of 8 - 9, such a meal, rather, the enemy of your stomach than a friend. Fat, high calorie foods just do not have time to digest and assimilate the body to sleep. This may result in indigestion, heaviness in the stomach. A constant such a meal can lead to serious violations of the gastrointestinal tract.

To avoid such problems, it is better to use products that are faster and easier to digest. For example, dairy products, yogurt, boiled eggs, weak broth to digest in just 1 to 2 hours, lean meat and fish, rice, vegetables (except legumes), sweet fruits - for 2 - 4 hours. Based on these data, it is about a diet for dinner. If you dine hours 6 - 7, and go to bed at 11 - 12, you can afford a fairly dense dinner from a piece of grilled meat, boiled rice side dish, vegetable salad, and if you eat late, then meals should be lighter. For example, you can eat yogurt and cottage cheese, yogurt drink.

From the daily diet dinner should account for about 20% of caloric intake. If your intake is 2000 kcal, the evening you should eat no more than 400 calories. Although there are exceptions to this rule. For some, dinner is the main meal, and, of course, I want it to be nutritious and delicious. And in this case, it is hardly possible to restrict a plate of salad or yogurt.

If you try to look for recipes, you can find dishes that are quite nutritious, make up the daily body's need for nutrients and cells. Here, after a meal will not be heavy feeling in the stomach. For example, you can make an omelet with cheese or with seafood and greens. If you want meat or fish, you can bake a small piece in the oven or simply boil it.

To dinner benefited important that the food was varied. It is not necessary every day for a week eat yogurt, it is better to alternate it with other products (vegetables, fish, fruit). In this case, the body will do the required vitamins, minerals, and macro minerals. Good mood during dinner also contribute to better digestion. Occasionally you can even eat not very useful product, pampered, harm from it will not be any.

Tags: Dinner, search, useful