How frequently do foot bath. Disinfectant action have calendula and chamomile. Take 1 tablespoon dry grass and fill it with a liter of boiling water, leave for half an hour. In the preparation of the present keep your feet for 20 minutes. If you suffer from sweating of the feet, according to the same recipe Prepare a tray of oak bark.
Excellent refreshes and rejuvenates douche for the feet. First drench feet with warm water, then cool, every time reduce the temperature of cold water and raise the degrees hot. After a shower, put on foot cream or gel with a cooling effect.
Compulsory 1 - 2 times a week to do a mask for the skin of feet. Ready masks sold in any cosmetic shop. At home, you can make a mask for the following recipe: Mix 2 tablespoons sour cream, 2 tbsp. l. cottage cheese, 2 tablespoons honey. Apply the mixture to clean your feet, hold 15 - 20 minutes, rinse with warm water.
Daily do simple exercises that will make your walk light and flying. Stand up straight, hands on his belt. Nosochek right leg and pull otdernite, if burned, too, do the left foot. Do 30 repetitions. Walk around the room first on toes, then on heels, on the outer side of the foot, then on the inside.
Every night before going to bed lie on your back and throws his feet above his head on the wall. This position helps relieve fatigue and swelling of the feet. Sleep better, put it under his feet roller to happen at night blood flow to the feet, then in the morning you will feel rested.