The action of the laser on the cells causes them to actively share. When this begins to produce collagen, and it is responsible for the new cells, which gradually fill the beam impact location. Wherein the laser beam has a bactericidal effect which completely eliminates the side effects of the procedure. The maximum that you can feel - tingling. After microdermabrasion can not be on the active sun. Therefore, the procedure is best done in late autumn. A significant effect can be achieved after the course of treatment - at least 6-8. Depending on the depth of the skin lesion and the size of the scar. Do not expect instant results - cells need time to recover. Therefore, the final outcome of the procedure, you will see no earlier than a month.
But for laser skin resurfacing there are contraindications. This procedure is strictly forbidden for pregnant women and during lactation. On the face you should not have any inflammatory processes. The only exception is acne in remission. During the procedure, you should not be chronic and colds, which are accompanied by taking drugs. Some of these may affect the blood clotting. It is impossible for laser resurfacing in diabetes and malignant tumors.