Bad habits, sedentary way of life, hormonal disruptions - all this ultimately affects the hips of women in the form of unnecessary forms that are not considered to be excellent in our era.
In this situation it is better to contact the doctor, aestheticians. He will tell you the best way to defeat the hated fat on the hips. Of course, the best option would be treated without plastic, and using, say, a massage or special injections. But these things do not always work.
In this case, the optimal surgical method for correcting hips will lipoaspiration. In addition to her hips can be used on the abdomen, knees, buttocks, back, inner surface of the hands and forearms. Conduct effective operations is largely due to elastic skin that is more prone to self-healing.
Lipoaspiration can be performed under general anesthesia or under local. The total volume used in the case when it is necessary to pump oil volume that exceeds 3.2 liters. Local anesthesia is used for small local areas of fat deposition. Lipoaspiration procedure is performed as follows: in the zone from which you want to remove excess fat through microcuts cannulated with a diameter of about 55 mm. She is in the process of destruction of fat cells, which through special vacuum taps come in a special tank.
After the operation during the day must comply with bed rest and take medication prescribed by a physician. Then, for about 4-6 weeks will need to wear a special compression garment. With regard to the consequences of such an operation such as bruising and swelling, something about them will be forgotten in 2 weeks. Even after a month will be easy, do not hesitate to play sports, to further avoid a similar fate. The final results lipoaspiration manifest in the third month, and no doubt you will be satisfied with them.