To prepare the masks take 70 grams of honey and mix with 50 grams of beeswax. Add the juice of one bulb white lily. Put all ingredients in a crock pot and melt over medium heat, stirring constantly with a wooden spoon. Cool the mixture and apply evenly on the face and neck, soak ten or fifteen mine and gently remove the mask. Then rinse your face with mineral water without gas.
Yeast mask
Mask with yeast is perfect for any type of skin, tighten it and will look young and healthy. Take a tablespoon of fresh yeast and mix with three tablespoons of freshly squeezed apple juice. Add to the mix a tablespoon (no slides) of wheat flour and apply the resulting mask on the face and neck. Hold for thirty minutes, rinse with lukewarm water, pat face with a soft towel and apply a light nourishing cream.
Nutritional peach mask for aging skin
Take one ripe and soft peach, thoroughly mash it with a fork or chop in a blender. Add the peach gruel one egg yolk, previously beaten. There also send a tablespoon of heavy cream and stir. The resulting mixture impose on a section of gauze soaked in boiled water and wrung out, put on the face. Leave the mask on for twenty minutes and wash with soft water.
Cucumber Facial Mask
The pulp of overripe cucumbers can serve as an excellent mask for aging skin, it smoothes wrinkles appear. This procedure is advantageously carried out within a month. Rub a ripe cucumber on a fine grater and add a tablespoon of honey (for oily and porous skin is recommended to add one beaten egg white instead of honey). All mix thoroughly and apply on the face and neck, leave the mask on for twenty minutes, wash with lukewarm water.