Before applying any mask, hold hands in a warm decoction of herbs such as chamomile, calendula and plantain. If the skin is very dry, and suitable weak solution of sea salt and water. Blot the moisture with a towel.
Take 6 tablespoons oatmeal and add 2 tbsp vegetable oil or olive oil. Consistency get pretty thick, so pour another 2 tbsp fat milk or cream. Mix and apply the mixture on your hands for 15 minutes.
Mix egg yolk, 1 tbsp honey 1 tbsp lemon juice and 1 tablespoon almond oil. Apply to hands and leave for 20 minutes. Can put cellophane gloves to enhance the action of the mask.
Grind 2 tablespoons oatmeal and pour the resulting flour 10 ml of boiling water. After a few minutes, add 1 tablespoon olive oil and lemon juice as much. After 10 minutes, carefully rinse your hands under running water. The result you will notice right away - the skin will become soft and tender, and the color is more healthy.
Get rid of wrinkles helps egg mask. Mix egg white with 1 tbsp of honey. Preheat 5 grams of butter and a little cool, but make sure that it does not become solid again. Enter the already prepared protein and honey. Apply the mixture to clean your hands before going to bed and leave for 20 minutes.
The mask of honey and glycerin to help cope with the strong peeling of the skin in the winter. Mix the ingredients in equal proportions and apply on your hands. After 20 minutes, rinse with warm water and lubricate your hands greasy cream. The procedure can be done daily until until the improvement of the skin.