Any problems in the tissue and skin around the eyes treated, rather than simply masked. Necessary to carry out the daily care of the thinnest skin around the eyes, make a mask, to choose the right cream. But do not forget that with the best care you can not look good without a healthy lifestyle, proper nutrition and adequate rest.
If you suffer from dark circles around the eyes, which often is genetically determined feature of the structure, try to get plenty of rest. Often walk around in the fresh air. Do cold compresses for eyelids in the morning. Can freeze ice cubes from infusions of various herbs or cucumber juice and rub their face in the morning.
You can use the brewed tea compresses to the eye area. Puffiness and dark circles appear due to the very thin and delicate skin. Poor lymphatic flow and tissue edema contribute to the formation of bags under the eyes. Pay attention to fluid intake in the evening. If you want to drink, drink. In no case can not indulge in pure water. But perhaps the evening tea party will be canceled. You do not want to drink, and just follow the habit.
When make-up remover, use special means to age and area around the eyes. For each eye must use an individual disk. This is very important in order not to transfer infection from one eye to another. In any case, do not use ordinary cleansers and lotions. The skin around the eyes is very thin and delicate, it needs a special delicate care.
When applying the cream around the eyes do not rub it, and accurate movements pressed against the skin, tapping his fingertips, dipped in cream over the skin with gentle movements. Movement should go on the upper eyelid from the nose to the outer edge of the eye and from the outer edge to the lower eyelid to the inner edge of the eye.
Make-up remover and the skin around the eyes, use only the cream designed for sensitive skin of these places. Do not use ordinary face creams because the components contained in the cream for the face, may be too irritating to the eye area.
It is important not to expose the delicate skin exposed to solar ultraviolet radiation. Use sunglasses and use creams with high sun protection factor.