Note diet. Last eat at least 3 hours before bedtime to avoid overloading the stomach. Food should be easy: an apple, a glass of kefir or yogurt, vegetable salad. Avoid alcohol and coffee at night. And anything salty, otherwise you can not avoid morning puffiness and bags under the eyes.
Very useful before bedtime drink tea with Mellis, currants or a glass of hot milk with honey. These drinks are soothing and relaxing. No need to bedtime actively exercise, otherwise you risk in a dream to continue to "move" total relaxation come.
Note that the temperature in the bedroom. Cold or heat is not good sleep aides. The optimum temperature range of 16-19 degrees. Ideally, if you sleep with an open window. If it gets cold, take cover warmer, but try not to limit the access of fresh air in the bedroom.
To sleep through the night and wake up rested deep, full of energy, it is necessary to put to bed no later than midnight (better - before), but to get up no later than eight in the morning.
It is important for any pillow you sleep. Give up high and too soft. Replace them on a flat, slightly raises his head (a slight elevation helps relieve swelling during sleep). Mattress desirable solid and smooth, so that the body does not bend, there is no load on the spine and muscles.
A dream to set. A little walk in front of him, take a bath with fragrant foam, listen to soft music, light a candle, read or Tie - choose what suits you personally, soothes, brings sleep.
If you will be happy to take care of his dream, he will repay you in full. Joyful mood on waking, the desire to live, to create, to love, great feeling, fresh skin, blush, radiant look - all this will give you a proper sleep.