The causes of the disease.
Rozotsea - another name for rosacea - often occurs in adults and in adolescents during puberty. And women can be the cause of the disruption of the ovaries. In adult men, it happens not so often. Gastrointestinal disease, adverse weather conditions, stress, alcohol, hot food and heredity, are also factors that contribute to this disease.
If you have itching, burning and redness of the forehead, cheeks and chin, and, at the same time arise periodically pustules, then there is no doubt - this is rosacea. Starting redness and induration at the first selected sites of the face, but gradually expands acne lesion over its entire surface.
If your profession is the reason rozotsei, you'd better change jobs or to the extent possible to avoid hazards. Before going out to lubricate the skin protective creams, suitable weather conditions.
If you have visited this disease, then you have no choice but to go to a dermatologist. And it is desirable not to delay such a visit. Because the more stages of the disease, the worse it is treated.
For each patient selected individual treatment. Doctor prescribes a comprehensive therapy, such as dermabrasion, electrocautery, cryotherapy, lotions, special ointments. For successful treatment and prevention of recurrence at the same time it is necessary to fix the gastrointestinal tract and normalize the hormonal disturbances. In very severe cases with antibiotics.
Treatment of folk remedies also give effective results, but do not forget to consult a doctor because some herbs can cause allergies.