Types appearance by season

Types appearance by season
 Blonde, brown-haired, brunette, red-haired ... What they are all different! But to look perfect and harmonious, each of them need to know their beauty secrets that are unique to their type of appearance: female spring, summer, women, women autumn and winter women.


Women of this type have blond hair (light brown, flaxen, golden) and blue, light olive, yellowish-green eyes. The skin is usually light, with a small peach or pink shade. Lips bright pink.

When choosing cosmetics recommended to prefer warmer tones. Lipstick and blush should be soft coral, golden bronze shimmer, beige and brown colors. Pencil eyeliner is preferable to select only brown-gray. To shade the eyes should be beige-brown, olive, gold, gray shadows, milk cream and their different shades.


Women summer type looks to conquer incredible combination of blue, gray or gray-blue eyes and pink skin, with a slightly bluish accent. Brown hair with ashy shade complement the image.

Makeup is good to choose a slightly muted cool colors: purple and pistachio, shades of blue, a combination of blue and gray to smoky color of ripe cherries.

Eyes recommended sum blue, purple and gray-brown pencil. Ink selected from the same range. As the shadows are best suited light: blue, grayish, silver, light gold with a cold metallic sheen. Can obscure the eyes indigo, dark gray, gray and purple. Better to take the lipstick pink-coral, you can cherry hues or colors faded rose.


These women are inherent in the bright colors of golden autumn: red-yellow range, olive, copper, blackberry and other warm colors. A typical representative of autumn has hair from red-gold to dark brown in conjunction eyes amber-brown and green. Catchy appearance emphasizes bright red lips on a background of soft golden skin.

Accordingly, the makeup should also be kept in warm colors. Dark brown pencil and ink, beige, gold, peach, olive and creamy milk shade is the best fit autumn type appearance. Pay attention to the lipstick and blush golden-bronze, terracotta and red hues.


This type includes most women. Winter in no way implies pale colors, on the contrary, representatives of winter appearance have luxurious dark brown, bright brown, and black hair. Eyes too, usually dark: brown, black to violet.

There are two types of winter women: some have dark, cold olive skin shade, and others - light, like porcelain. But those and other appropriate color contrasts as in make-up and clothes.

As for the color palette of blush and lipstick should be chosen from the shades of pink, burgundy with a combination of lilac, beige and terracotta. Ink and pencil should be used black and shadows can be as dark blue, purple, chocolate, lilac, peach and lightens, milk, cream, gold and silver.

Try to do make-up according to their type of appearance and will look great!

Tags: time, type, year, make, appearance