Olive oil: the use and application in cosmetics

Olive oil: the use and application in cosmetics
 Olive oil is able to rejuvenate and strengthen the human body. In its structure contains many elements necessary to maintain health. Olive oil is very useful - it contributes not only to lower cholesterol and treat heart disease, but is widespread in cosmetology.

The most effective cosmetics are - those that are composed of olive oil. Currently very popular creams, masks, shower gels, shampoos and conditioners made with olive oil. Useful properties of this wonderful oil suitable for dry and sensitive skin. It softens and prevents moisture loss. The big advantage of olive oil is that it does not clog the pores of the skin, allowing it to breathe and enriched with vitamins.

Olive oil also has a rejuvenating effect on the skin. When used regularly, it can prevent the appearance of wrinkles and smooth out existing ones. Cream, having in its composition of olive oil is very rich in vitamin E, which in turn helps to better assimilated by the rest of the nutrients. Vitamins included in the base of olive oil, improve skin tone and protect all of its properties.

Olive oil is used in cosmetics and as an anti-cellulite. In the composition of this oil contains oleic acid, which contributes to the normalization of lipid metabolism in the skin structure.

The use of olive oil as a cosmetic product for hair and skin provides a thorough cleansing of the dead skin cells and impurities. The skin begins to breathe better and looks more healthy and youthful. Favorably affects the olive oil on the scalp: it strengthens the hair follicles and stimulates their growth. Also, the use of this oil is useful for dry and brittle hair.

Perfect olive oil for the massage. It can be used both in pure form or in combination with essential oils. Massage with this oil helps to improve the circulation and nervous system. Through this interaction massage elements with olive oil skin will look young, taut and beautiful.

Tags: leather, oil, benefits, cosmetology, application