Legs without stars

Legs without stars
 Summer came, and with it in our wardrobe includes short skirts, open sandals with heels and tan. The holiday season is good to all, except for a little trouble, which, however, can significantly dampen the spirits of any woman. Among them - the spider veins on the legs, which not only detracts from the appearance, but also a sign of vascular disease.

These stars suddenly appear, but are sometimes forever. These may cause the appearance of excess solar radiation, or hormonal drugs, such as during pregnancy, when the woman's body undergoes significant changes. Spider veins are dilated capillaries intradermal, who lost the tone for the above reasons. And it's not just a cosmetic defect, but a disease that if lack of attention can lead to pain, swelling, and even seizures.

The disease should be treated, and here comes to the aid of modern medicine. To begin with a phone consultation with a specialist who will determine the neglect of the individual case and prescribe treatment. One of the ways of dealing with asterisks are laser therapy, thermocoagulation and flebosklerozirovanie. These methods have gained popularity due to its safety, ease of use and the desired cosmetic effect.

Since the change in the veins can no longer function properly and only hinder the body, any method of treatment involves removal. Usually it is virtually painless procedure, which allows the patient to lead a normal life. By decision of the doctor and the treatment can be complex, combining several methods.

Summer increases the load on the legs, because we no longer walk, drink plenty of fluids, and spend a lot of time in the sun. For the treatment and prevention of the appearance of spider which may lead to further varices, venotiki uses special formulations, tablets and ointments. They have a decongestant and anti-inflammatory effects. One of the best means of prevention - the use of medical compression hosiery, which evenly distributes the pressure on the legs. As well strengthen vessels douches and regular exercise.

Say "yes" beautiful legs!

Tags: foot, varicose veins, blood vessels, asterisk, treatment, medication, venotik