How to whiten the skin of hands

How to whiten the skin of hands
 Hands are exposed to negative external factors more than other parts of the body. Moreover, the layer of subcutaneous fat is incredibly small, so also in constant contact with detergents make their untidy and stale. Whiten skin of the hands can be at home, this does not necessarily go to a specialist in this area.  
 Potato and corn starch to help whiten the skin. Pour into a small bowl a bit of warm water - it should not be hot, not to get jelly. Add 1 tablespoon of any starch and mix well. Hold hands in pastvore about 15 minutes, then wipe dry with a towel. The effect is to please you.

If you do not have starch, simply remove the rind with a potato and rub her skin. This will help to refresh the color, and in the regular conduct of the procedure will disappear all the spots, if you have them. Potato starch also rejuvenates the skin and smoothing fine lines.

Purchase a powdered buttermilk, it must be in the form of powder. Mix it with lemon juice. Number of ingredients determined by eye, you should get the consistency of thick cream like. Apply the prepared mixture on your hands and leave for 30 minutes. If you want to get rid of pigmentation only, you can carry out teeth whitening only problem areas.

Low-fat yogurt is able to whiten your hands the most gentle method. This variant is optimally suited to ladies who have dry skin. Add a few teaspoons of yogurt natural lemon juice, mix well. Apply to hands and leave for about 10-15 minutes. The procedure is done often enough, or the whitening effect will not follow.

If you absolutely do not want to mess with the traditional methods of skin whitening, then use modern means. Buy a cream that has bleaching properties, and scrub with fruit acids. Peeling spend a day, but the cream is applied twice a day. Gradually, the skin will get the desired color, increased pigmentation or become lighter or even disappear.

Tags: spot, leather, hand care