How to make porcelain skin

How to make porcelain skin
 Japan women have always sought to make his snow-white skin and clean, as it is, from a psychological point of view, suggests tenderness, innocence and femininity. Not only the eastern girls prefer to have porcelain skin, in Russia for centuries it was believed that white skin - a symbol of aristocracy.
 To whiten the skin, you can use oriental secrets. Japanese, caring for the body, using ordinary rice. For example, you can make a mask. To do this, take two tablespoons of rice and a little warm milk, mix all ingredients until smooth. Next, apply to face the usual vegetable oil (it can be slightly warmed), and on top of rice, apply a mask. After ten minutes, rinse it with warm water and pat skin dry terry towel. Be sure to apply a moisturizing or nourishing cream.

You can also use rice for cleaning the skin. To do this, you need to grind it in a blender to a powder. Next, take a lather, apply it on the skin; then on top in a circular motion, apply rice flour; massage your face for ten minutes. Then rinse with cool water deposited mixture. In the end always moisturize the skin using cream.

To achieve a porcelain skin, you can apply and camellia oil. To do this you need some dry petals of fragrant flowers and almond oil. Mix the ingredients in a ratio of 1: 1; put an hour or two in a water bath. After that, cool and strain. Agent is applied to the skin before bedtime.

In that case, if you want to achieve the effect of "porcelain skin" instantly, using a variety of cosmetics - foundation, powder, correctors. So that your skin does not look like a "nashtukaturennaya" give enough attention to shading cosmetics. Do not apply it with large doses, do all in series. When choosing a foundation, give preference to lighter tones will be fine, if it contains moisturizing ingredients, it will prevent the skin from drying out.

Tags: skin effect