How to get rid of vascular mesh

How to get rid of vascular mesh
 Spider veins doctors call - rosacea. This disease is most often seen on the face, at least on other body parts, such as thighs. The cause of this disease is considered poor circulation. There are many ways to get rid of this trouble.  
 Burning and itching of the skin is the first sign of occurrence of rosacea. After some time at these places there is a strong redness and spider veins.

Vessels that are in our body in response to various stimuli, can permanently shrink and expand. When rosacea is disrupted water-salt balance of the skin and connective tissue capillaries become less elastic, leading to microtraumas capillaries.

Poor circulation can cause frequent smoking, alcohol abuse, overwork. Also, the reason may be a variety of diseases of the circulatory system. To correctly identify the cause of the vascular mesh on the skin, you should consult a doctor and pass a comprehensive examination.

There are many methods that allow you to get rid of this trouble. For example, ozone therapy. This method is almost painless and netravmotichny. During the procedure, using a small needle into the lumen of the vessel is introduced a mixture of ozone and oxygen. After injection of vascular lesions disappear. After these manipulations is left scars.

Used and the method of laser photocoagulation. Most often, such a method is used to remove spider veins which appear on the face. In this procedure, under the influence of laser vascular wall stick together, and capillaries made unnoticeable.

If rosacea appears on your feet, then you can use the method of sclerotherapy. In this case, the vessel entered a drug sklerozant, through which the vessel wall stick together. After injection leg bandaged using elastic bandage for 5-7 days. Then, the doctor looks at the results and, if necessary, assigns an additional procedure. The method is more effective if it is combined with a laser coagulation.

Tags: reason, mesh, rosacea, ozone therapy, sclerotherapy, photocoagulation