How to get rid of enlarged pores

How to get rid of enlarged pores
 Enlarged pores on the face - the number one problem for owners of oily skin. It's unsightly, ugly, in addition, enlarged pores - increased risk of inflammatory processes in the skin. Get rid of this defect may have a laborious and lengthy work, but it gives tangible results.

Oily skin type and the expansion of pores are closely related to each other. Pores help remove the surface of the skin sebum - fat. The more intense the sebaceous glands, the more fat is released, the more expanded pores. They accumulate excess fat, which attract dirt. Dirt-fat blend clogs the pores, preventing the skin to breathe normally. Most such defect subject to the T - zone - a chin, nose and forehead.

Before embarking on masks and wraps, clean the skin. Forget washing with plain water. On the evening in a container, place 2 tablespoons of oat flakes, cover with water. In the morning when you get up in the container is oatmeal porridge. Scoops porridge in the palm and gentle massage to wash the face, avoiding the eye area. Rinse with water porridge. After a few days you will notice that the skin begins to catch up, it becomes more pure, velvety.

After washing oatmeal can begin to mask. Purchase at the pharmacy white clay, it helps to narrow pores. Dissolve in a clay container with warm water to liquid sour cream. Apply to cleansed face. Leave the mask on for 20 minutes. Rinse with cool water. Do such a mask should be at least 2 times a week.

Good narrow pores following popular recipes. 2 small cucumbers should grate. The mass obtained is added to 100 ml of vodka. Insist in a dark place 7 days after the strain. In cucumber lotion soak gauze, apply on face for 15 minutes.

Protein mask. In protein 1 raw egg to add a few drops of lemon juice, beat until foaming. Foam mask applied to the skin. It should take a horizontal position, try to close your eyes, do not talk so much as a mask tightens the skin. After 10-15 minutes, when the mask dries, rinse it with water.

Well clear enlarged pores various scrubs. The most popular among them - coffee. For the preparation of such a scrub to mix coffee grounds, cinnamon, cream. The resulting mixture massage your face a few minutes, rinse with water.

To get rid of dirt and excess fat, goalscorers facial pores, you need to carry out mechanical cleaning. To do this, clean the skin using a scrub, then steam out of it. Boil in a wide pan small amount of water, water can be added a few drops of essential oils. Throw in the towel on your head, bend down over a saucepan, to steam the skin should be not less than 10 minutes. In the process of steaming gently blotted with a towel.

After disinfect the skin. You can do this using vodka or chlorhexidine. Now you need to start cleaning. For it is best to buy a vacuum machine for home use. So you can minimize the injuries of the skin and the possibility of infection of the skin.

If such a device was not at hand, it is possible to clean the skin by hand. To do this, disinfect hands and face. Wrap forefingers sterile gauze. Clean the skin.

After mechanical cleansing facial skin should narrow the enlarged pores. To do this, apply a face mask tightens pores. For example, a protein.

After brushing the face slight reddening of the skin, peeling. After a few days it will pass. Take care of the skin treated with special care need not be exposed to excessive expansion long time to clean the face, make a mask, use a properly selected cosmetics. Get rid of enlarged pores on the face may need only a little effort.

Tags: skin, face, it's time, mask, cleaning