How to choose a foundation with SPF-protection for combination skin

How to choose a foundation with SPF-protection for combination skin
 Foundation was invented 100 years ago. Since then, his consistency and composition have changed many times. In recent years the foundation can not be regarded as qualitative, if it does not provide protection from UV rays (SPF-protection). This is especially important for creams designed for oily or combination skin.  
 The choice of foundation is not as easy as it seems at first glance. After all, you need to buy one that is ideally fall on your skin, it will not be noticeable on and align all the flaws. In addition, it is necessary to choose foundation is also based on what your skin type.

For combination skin, you need to select the tonal framework that will help to get rid of greasy itself during the day begins to shine. Therefore, the store immediately read carefully the composition of you liked the cream. Need tonal resources, which has the following excipients: starch, rice flour, titanium dioxide, kaolin (so scientifically called white cosmetic clay). All of these substances give the skin effect dusting or matting effect.

Typically, concealer for combination skin is water-based. This helps the spread evenly across the face. As for the colors of cream, choose the hot period of time on the basis of the tone darker than winter.

Creams that are sold today in cosmetic stores also contain a substance shall protect the skin from ultraviolet radiation. As a rule, the tonal foundation added protection level from 4 to 10. If the number on the bottle is worth more than 10, do not take, because it means that before you fake. And it's quite dangerous. This is due to the fact that the more filters added to the cream, the tighter its texture. And then he will go to uneven, poorly applied and clog pores. Therefore ideal for combination skin should be a cream with protection level 4 or 6.

Do not think that the sun is harmful impact on the skin only during the warmer months. Winter ultraviolet rays also exert their deleterious effects. Therefore it is necessary to choose the right tone as the basis for the summer and the winter. If you do not think that the usual cream is too dense for the summer, choose popular today-tone foam fluid. It is easy to fall on your face and it will be further moisturize. Pay special attention to problem areas that are clearly manifested in combination skin.

Tags: cream, selecting protection level, ultraviolet, spf