Essential oils of wrinkles - anti-age program

Essential oils of wrinkles - anti-age program
 Therapeutic effect of essential oils has long been known. The Chinese used them for the treatment of many diseases in ancient Rome enjoyed great popularity fragrant baths and oriental women valued spicy essential oils for their ability to attract the opposite sex. Anti-aging aromatic substances was discovered Cleopatra, who with great pleasure of rubbing her body and face. Essential oils, thanks to its natural origin, mild effect on the body and a narrow list of contraindications, are ideally suited for use in health purposes. And the ability to regenerate tissue and saturate the cells with oxygen makes them a good helper for the extension of youth of our skin. The topic of this article - essential oils of wrinkles and female site JustLady talk about their types and methods of application.

The aging process begins at the cellular level. The epidermis becomes thinner, less retains moisture, there is a marked decrease in the protective properties of the skin. Decreases collagen and elastin, the skin becomes dry and wrinkled. Lost erstwhile functionality: wounds and bruises heal slowly, poorly toxins and excess fluid.

These natural processes can not be stopped, but it can be slowed down, if you use along with the usual cosmetics,essential oils of wrinkles. Cellular regeneration - the basic principle of skin rejuvenation and nutrients contained in the essential oils to stimulate this process.

Essential oils - excellent antioxidants

In the aging process in human skin lipid balance is disrupted, leading to the predominance of oxidative reactions. They, in turn, will wear the skin leads to the formation of wrinkles, age spots and loss of elasticity.Essential oils of wrinkles cropped this process, make it less noticeable. Essential oils of jasmine, myrrh, rose, sandalwood, neroli stimulate blood circulation and stimulate the life-giving oxygen saturation of the blood.

Essential oils of wrinkles - anti-age program

Biomassazhny and regenerating effect

Molecules with aromatic oils massage effect on biological active points, thereby increasing the effect of the procedure. Massage improves blood circulation, lymphatic drainage and metabolism at the cellular level. Massage usingessential oils of wrinkles may be warming and relaxing (nutmeg, cinnamon), as well as cooling and tonic (mint, lavender). Perform massage to gently, without stretching the skin, keeping skin direction lines. Well, the regenerative properties of essential oils known for a long time. The unique combination of vitamins and active substances, they not only heal wounds and cracks, but also restores the protective function of the skin. Especially productive in this respect are chamomile, geranium, ylang-ylang and sandalwood.

Mental harmony - a fountain of youth

No one will argue that our well-being and peace of mind greatly affect our appearance. Man pinned down load problems, can not look good. Constant tension and lack of sleep provoke hormonal failure, slow metabolism, block access of oxygen and nutrients into the cell space. To achieve the rejuvenating effect it is necessary not only to useessential oils of wrinklesBut also to use scents that will help establish emotional balance and stable peace of mind. To do this, perfectly suited essential oils:

• cloves, mint, lemon, orange (tone)
• lavender, marjoram, rose, frankincense (calm)
• verbena, jasmine, myrrh, patchouli, rose, ylang-ylang, neroli (regulate hormones)

Well, according to tradition, female site JustLady tell a few recipes of essential oils from wrinkles, to help you keep elasticity and youthfulness of the skin.

For the elasticity and smoothness of the skin. Take the following essential oils: 20 ml of rosehip, evening primrose 5 drops, 3 drops of lavender, 4 drops of incense, 15 drops of neroli, 4 drops of fennel. Mix and apply on your face massaged at bedtime.

For mature skin. You will need 20 ml of rosehip oil, 25 ml of oil apricot pits, 3 drops of oil of carrot seeds, 6 drops of rose oil, 3 drops of frankincense, patchouli oil 1 drop. For greater effect can be applied twice a day, morning and evening.

Nourishing cream. Add to your primary care cream slightlyessential oils of wrinklesIt will increase its useful qualities. The amount of oil calculated on 30 g of cream.

 - 1 drop of frankincense, rose 2 drops limetta 1 drop (of wrinkles around the eyes)
 - Sandalwood 1 drop 1 drop chamomile, rose 2 drops (from wrinkles around the eyes)
 - 1 drop neroli, nutmeg 1 drop 1kaplya pine, peppermint 2 drops (anti-wrinkle)
 - Pine 1 drop 1 drop neroli, 2 drops of fennel, myrrh 1 drop (for sagging skin)
 - 1 drop of frankincense, rose 2 drops, 2 drops of peppermint, sandalwood 1 drop (for tired skin)

To reduce the severity of wrinkles. Primrose oil 20 ml, hazelnut oil 30 ml, 3 drops of sandalwood oil, 5 drops of frankincense oil, carrot seed oil 2 drops. Massage the face with this mixture 2-3 times a week.

Face mask with essential oils of wrinkles

 - Jojoba oil 10ml oil 2 drops of frankincense oil, nutmeg 1 drop 1 drop neroli oil (applied to 20 min.)
 - 10 ml of avocado oil, 3 drops of almond oil, 1 drop of sandalwood, 2 drops of rose oil (applied to 20 min.)

Universal mask. Take a hazelnut oil 10 ml, Primrose - 10 ml, incense - 2 drops of sandalwood - 1 drop of oil, carrot seed - 1 drop. Apply on the face 1-2 times a week. Mask soothes, relieves skin irritation.

 Svetlana Krutova
Women's magazine JustLady

Tags: program, hair oil, wrinkle, hair loss, vitamin, reduction, application