Blepharoplasty century: Rehabilitation and results

Blepharoplasty century: Rehabilitation and results
 Blepharoplasty - Eyelid surgery. The purpose of this operation - the removal of overhanging skin fold eyelids and the effect of "bags under the eyes." Plastic surgery on the upper and lower eyelids corrects eye contour by removing excess skin and fat formations.

Currently blepharoplasty - the most common cosmetic surgery on her face. Its basically make people (often women) aged 36 years and older. However, there are more young patients who use this procedure. Often they do this operation to change the shape of the cut eye.
This operation is easily tolerated by patients. After blepharoplasty are on the same day can go home and carry out further recovery outpatients.

Recovery period is from 10 to 12 days. In most cases, postoperative bruising occur in surgery that hold up to two weeks. To prevent them, it is necessary in the first two hours after the correction to make cold lotions. During the first three days, doctors recommend eye drops drip and do special exercises for eyes. Sutures are removed on the third day, if there are no complications. The most common complication after blepharoplasty - is bleeding. It can occur in a few days and a few hours after the operation. During the first month is not recommended to take a hot shower, torso and do other exercises that can increase the pressure. Also in the first 3-4 months is recommended to comply with the prescribed medical water-salt regime. All procedures and treatments must be carried out only with the permission of Dr..

The Results.
The final result of blepharoplasty can be assessed only after two months. During this time, fully formed scar disappear postoperative swelling. With proper care and compliance with all the recommendations of physicians resulting effect is maintained for five years. There are cases and more long-lasting operation, it all depends on the individual and on the right, healthy lifestyle.

Tags: result, the ambassador, eyelids, correction, rehabilitation, Blepharoplasty