Rash from stress: a solution

Rash from stress: a solution
 When emotions are going wild, and the nerves are stretched to the limit, the body sends blood to the internal organs that help fight stress. As a result - the skin begins to feel the lack of oxygen, causing painful gets shade and numerous eruptions. The most frequent "unwanted visitors" - acne.
 Acne (acne) are beginning to appear on healthy skin as a result of reactions of the nervous system. In times of stress begin to work more actively mechanisms that increase the activity of sebaceous glands. Are clogging the pores excess sebum, skin irritation and begins appearing acne. If you do not start to pay careful attention to your body, such a rash of stress can develop into skin disease present.

To prevent the development of acne, use special means for oily skin during stressful situations. For example, some of them can be predicted: Session, quarterly reports, significant events. About a month change lotion, cream, facial toner. Note that the skin must be as degreasing or moisturizing. Use thermal water and drink plenty of fluids - it will help keep the water balance in the body and will be a good solution to the problem.

Be sure to take time to care for the skin. In the evening completely remove makeup - it is also an irritant that clog pores. Apply the cream on the face by massaging gently.

Skin rash stress can also be reduced by adding food more fresh vegetables and fruits. But do not get carried away "cleansing" practices in this period: on the contrary such manipulations cause subcutaneous inflammation, expelling toxins from the body. From food to focus on the kiwi. It contains vitamin E and collagen, as well as enzymes that help break down body fat.

To relieve the tension from stress and solve the problem with rashes on the skin, to help them go faster, be partakers of sports and relaxing treatments after. Training will switch attention to the body's nervous system to the muscles, and sauna contribute to opening day. Well, if you use it after the scrub, removing dead skin cells. Applying data manipulation, you will realize that the problems of skin rash from the stress does not take a lot of time, but makes it possible to feel confident.

Tags: solution, stress, withdrawal, Akna, rash, skin