Mud masks for the skin

Mud masks for the skin
 The benefits of mud masks humanity learned long ago. Therapeutic mud was considered a gift from the gods, so the ancient people of the whole expedition fitted out to find it. And now among the main procedures for cosmetic skin care is mud packs.
 Mud masks for the face

Regular application of this magical substance on the skin improves skin elasticity and wrinkles. Deeply penetrating into the pores of the face, dirt facilitates their purification, dissolves grease tube. Also, therapeutic mud has a disinfectant action, increases blood flow and saturates the blood with oxygen, promotes skin renewal, cleans and removes allergic reactions various inflammations.

Mud mask for legs

Miraculous properties of the unique gifts of nature and affect the skin of the feet and legs. Acting through receptors feet, mud removes the feeling of tightness and dryness of the feet, has a softening effect on the skin heels, relieves and eases pain that can occur after prolonged walking. These masks are very useful for varicose leg edema and congestion at lymphostasis. Mud masks imposed on the shin, called "boot." They relieve pain in case of problems with the musculoskeletal system (arthritis, arthritis and other diseases).

Mud masks for hands

The masks applied to the hands, called "glove". This cosmetic procedure has a healing effect on skin diseases such as atopic dermatitis, psoriasis, eczema, sores diabetic origin. Your skin moisturized, improves blood circulation tissues.

Mud body mask

Therapeutic mud stimulates blood flow, causing a warming effect, thus helping a woman in the fight against excess weight. Special effects such masks have on problem areas (thighs, waist), as well as struggling with cellulite. Mud masks nourish and stimulate metabolism of deep layers of the skin. With a systematic mud wrap increases elasticity, aligned profile skin, restores the elastic fibers of the skin on the abdomen and chest after pregnancy, lactation or prolonged diet.

But do not be superfluous to recall that such treatments can have negative consequences. This is due to the fact that the composition of the mud contains a huge number of active elements. Mud masks can not be used in case of an exacerbation of any chronic disease, congenital heart disease, hypertension, atherosclerosis, uterine and diseases associated with blood.

Tags: skin, face mask