How to remove yellowness of a bruise

How to remove yellowness of a bruise
 Bruises usually occur with bruises, which resulted in burst blood vessels, and blood poured out under the skin. Due to the breakdown of hemoglobin at the point of impact generated spot that changes color from blue-violet, yellow-green to warm shades of yellow and brown.
 Yellowness bruise talks about his healing. To eliminate residual effects of the injury, it is recommended to use special ointment "Troxevasin", "indovazin", "Fastum-gel", "Gepatrombin-gel" and other medications. They had a great relieve swelling and pain affect capillaries, reducing the permeability of the walls of the veins and toning their smooth muscles.

To speed up the healing process of bruises helpful to eat egg yolk, spinach, broccoli and fish oil. Such products contain vitamin K, necessary for blood clotting.

To the affected area can be applied a compress of gruel cooked in potato skins. To enhance the effect in the finished weight add baking soda and honey.

To eliminate bruising potatoes used in its raw form. To do this, cut it into two pieces, cut attach to a place with an injury, and rub it. Attach the potatoes using a bandage or plaster wrap and leave for 2-3 hours. In the same way using fresh leaves of cabbage and mashed plantain leaves.

Prepare a mixture of pulp 1 onion. Mix it with powdered dry plantain leaves and add to the resulting mass of a small amount of honey. Preheat means a boiling water bath and use as a compress 3 times a day for 2 hours each.

Good help in the fight against bruises calendula tincture. You can purchase an infusion pharmacy and make it your own. For this purpose 20 g of grass pushing inflorescences per 100 ml of 70 ° alcohol for 2 weeks. Filtered means applied to the sick plots in the form of lotions and compresses.

To eliminate yellowing bruise on the surface of the bruise can make the cut aloe leaf or slurry of soy flour. Mash 2 garlic cloves, fill them with 0, 5 liters of a 6% vinegar and insist on during the day. Ready-mix rubbing against the injury 1-2 times a day.

Tags: bruising, yellowing