How to remove stretch marks on breasts

How to remove stretch marks on breasts
 Stretch marks on the chest leads to the breakdown of any woman. Despite the fact that the stretching cause no pain or injury, but, nevertheless, they cause a lot of inconvenience and may cause complexes. Therefore, even the slightest appearance of their women begin to look for ways to get rid of the ugly pink and white stripes on the chest.

What causes stretch marks

Before you start the fight against stretch marks, you need to know because of what they were.
In most cases, stretching occur during pregnancy, typically at the beginning and at the end, when the breast starts to grow quickly. Stretch marks on breasts may also occur when the rapid growth of body weight, when the breast is also increasing dramatically in size and stretching of the skin occurs. Sometimes it happens that under the influence of hormones, the skin loses elasticity and also stretch marks appear.

As stretch marks on breasts removed in beauty salons

Specialists in the beauty salon can give details on how many extensions are removed on the chest. Then they will pick up an individual way for you to get rid of them. In the event that extensions have appeared recently, the well can help wrap. During this procedure, the skin comes in tone, which promotes healing overstrained vessels. The course of treatment lasts about 6-12 treatments is that the problem areas of applied medical breast mass, then for 30-60 minutes covered with a thermal blanket.

There is another way to remove stretch marks have appeared recently - ultrasound therapy, when the ultrasound micro fatty subcutaneous tissue. After this procedure, the skin improves metabolic processes, plus the good it gives a lifting effect.

If extensions are old, you can help a chemical peel. During this procedure is burned deep layers of the epidermis and the stimulation of collagen synthesis.

As at home to get rid of stretch marks

To get rid of stretch marks on the chest at home, you can lubricate the problem areas olive, almond, linseed or any other vegetable oil. Because these oils contain vitamin E, which promotes regeneration of the skin. In addition, during the struggle against extensions need proper nutrition. The diet should be present products that contain substances to improve the elasticity of the skin, especially nuts, vegetable oil, seafood and vegetables.

Get rid of stretch marks should immediately at the slightest appearance of them. One should not think that they themselves will disappear, just like stretching will not pass, but just the opposite will become even more noticeable.

Tags: pregnancy, breast, stretching, treatment