In folk medicine, there are many options for removing nevi. But they all fall into two groups: some methods are based on overlapping access of blood in the body of a mole, others - on its cauterization by various compositions typically include herbs.
The first group of methods is reduced to a taut and racking nevus at the base. The blood vessels that feed the mole, are pressed, nevus cells do not get food, and a mole "withers". But in most cases it subsequently expands again. In the worst case scenario, this method triggers the degeneration of nevus in cancer - melanoma.
The second group of folk ways to remove moles is very diverse. Here are a few recipes that are used by traditional healers:
• Lubricate the surface of the mole garlic juice, and immediately after that - the lemon juice. Repeat several times a day until complete disappearance of the nevus.
• Lubricate daily mole mixture of chopped herbs Celandine with Vaseline (components are taken in equal proportions).
• This two garlic cloves and a half cup of apple cider vinegar for two weeks. This infusion moisten a piece of cotton cloth and apply at night to the mole. Repeat daily until the mole disappears.
• Daily cauterize nevus juice celandine.
• Lubricate the mole mixture of chalk with hemp oil in the ratio of 1: 4.
If you decide to remove moles one of the popular ways previously consult a dermatologist or oncologist. Uncontrolled manipulation with moles are very dangerous!