How to get rid of corns on toes

How to get rid of corns on toes
 Corns - This seal rough patches of skin on their feet because of the excessive pressure and friction on the foot or toes. Although they are usually painless, but uncomfortable and unaesthetic. Women want to have not only radiant and tighten the skin of the face and body, but also gentle pink heels and elegant foot. After all, "everything a man should be fine", and in the true woman - perfect.  

Before you get rid of the consequences, you should always find out the reason. The common assertion that corns - a consequence of inconvenient or improper footwear and binding consequences of wearing high heels, not quite true. Shoes is only one of the possible reasons for their education. Others - flat and gait defects, problems with blood vessels and fungal diseases, metabolic disorders. If you really want to once and for all solve the problem with corns, hyperkeratosis name it and go to the doctor - Podiatry.

Well, if the doctor will confirm - yes, the case only in the shoe. Or elsewhere, as the doctors say, exogenous, ie external factors. Because in this case it will be enough just to choose a comfortable, not too narrow and not too large shoes to size, do not allow yourself to wear sneakers trampled, and for fine-heeled shoes breathtakingly choose comfortable gel tabs. Special insoles and salvation for those who suffer from some form of flatfoot.

Much more difficult for those who have hyperkeratosis consequence of internal or endogenous factors. After all, they will have long-term medication, and who of us likes to be treated? And do not envy those who have so little problems with corns associated with being overweight. Yes, this is another reason to lose weight, that for some it is sometimes not easy. But what will you do then legs! Think about it!

Starting tackle hyperkeratosis complex, you can not avoid the need of domestic procedures. Doctor - a long time to find the cause and prescribe treatment, carry out the necessary procedures, but the daily prevention is solely your concern.

Before going to bed do foot baths with chamomile broth or Epsom salts. Twenty minutes later, remove the legs from the water, and while they are still wet, or special treat pumice foot scrub.

Once or twice a week apply to the feet and toes warm castor oil, wear clean cotton socks and go to bed so. Remove the socks and wash your feet only in the morning.

In very severe cases, try this method - Crush 5-6 aspirin tablets and dissolve them in ½ teaspoon of lemon juice and ½ teaspoon of water. The resulting paste, apply to corns, put his feet on plastic bags and wrap a warm towel. Keep the compress for 15 minutes, and then treat the feet with pumice and rinse pasta.

Make it a rule to wipe feet after a shower with a rough towel and apply soothing lotion on them.
Well-groomed healthy feet is your walk, do everything that depends on you, so that it was flying and then go through life will be much easier.

Tags: leg, finger calluses, dry, foot, seal, hyperkeratosis