Methods for removing moles

Methods for removing moles
 Moles are removed in two cases: if they are, according to their owner, is a cosmetic defect, and in a situation where a high probability of malignant transformation. Mole removal is performed in medical institutions under local anesthesia.
 The traditional method of removal is excision with a scalpel. The surgeon cuts the skin area with a mole, and then imposes on the edges of the wound cosmetic seam. If you suspect a malignancy with a mole excised and the surrounding tissue in a radius of 5.3 cm, on the face of this size tend to reduce to a minimum. Surgical method is most often used in the case of removal of large convex and flat moles.

Laser coagulation. Under the action of laser radiation forming cells birthmark, heated and "evaporate". The vessels are also subject to cauterization, so blood loss during the procedure minimized. After the laser treatment the skin is a little crust, which in 1-2 weeks disappears without a trace.

Electrocoagulation. For this disposal method moles surgeons use a special metal loop, supplied with high frequency current. Loop cuts birthmark, coagulating damaged vessels. After the procedure, the skin is also a small crust, which disappears after a couple of weeks. The advantage of electrocoagulation is that the removal of tissue can be sent for histological examination to study its cellular structure.

Radionozh (Surgitron). The procedure is performed in a contactless manner: on the area of ​​skin to be removed, directed high-frequency waves, "volatile" fabric. Unlike laser and electrocautery in this case there is no formation of burns and scabs. In addition, removal of moles Surgitron occurs painlessly and as accurately as possible.

Cryoablation. On a mole to liquid nitrogen having a temperature of - 180 degrees Celsius. Nitrogen direct contact with the skin occurs, it cools the ferrule attached to the epidermis. Under the influence of low temperature tissue necrotic (dying) and rejected the formation of a small scar.

All methods of removing moles are equally effective in the hands of professionals. The choice of method depends on the specific clinical case and financial possibilities of the patient.

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