Mesotherapy - a popular procedure for facial rejuvenation. How effective is it?

Mesotherapy - a popular procedure for facial rejuvenation. How effective is it?
 Mesotherapy in 1987 recognized in France, where this method was invented by drug exposure as a full-fledged branch of traditional medicine. This point impact on the skin with the help of special especially effective for injection solutions and cosmetic problems, particularly facial rejuvenation.

Cocktails, which are assessed mesotherapy facial

During a session of mesotherapy are introduced under the skin of small doses of special drugs that have beneficial effects and allow to start the process of regeneration in the most problematic areas. The composition of these complex products is different and is selected depending on skin condition, taking into account individual characteristics and the clinical situation. Cosmetologists use as ready cocktails, and those are mixed manually. In composition they can be allopathic, which include traditional medicines, homeopathic or miscible based homeopathic constituents.

In traditional cocktails used in mesotherapy person, may include:
- A variety of vitamins;
- Trace elements necessary for skin health and youthful (Zn, Co, Mg, P, S, Se, K);
- Organic acids (glycolic acid, pyruvic acid);
- Extracts from medicinal plants;
- Drugs (L-carnitine, thioctic acid, etc. dihydroergotamine.);
- Biotechnological products (hyaluronic acid, DNA, platsenteks);
- Extracts of animal origin, including collagen and elastin, necessary to maintain skin tone.
The basis for these cocktails can be both extracts from plants and products that are of animal origin, in some cases it is synthetically derived substances. But in any case allopathic cocktail contains essential vitamins and minerals are combined with those components that need it to your skin. Ability to add components that have different effects, and allows you to use mototerapiyu to affect some parts of the body to lose weight. In this case, the composition must include a cocktail lipolytic components that accelerate the burning of fat cells and blood circulation, eliminate stagnant lymph.

Homeopathic cocktails, which include those, mostly plant material and vitamins, have a stimulating effect and cause the body to mobilize to fight aging own internal resources. As a rule, do they include some organic products that increase the drainage capacity of skin layers, which also allows us to solve many cosmetic problems associated with stagnation in the deeper layers of skin.

Microinjection impact on the skin

Cocktails used in mesotherapy person, depending upon the constituents can have two types of feedback:
- Therapeutic or curative;
- Rejuvenating.
Therapeutic cocktails used in cases of skin diseases such as acne, rosacea, vascular "stars", they help get rid of traumatic scars left behind by acne. Some of the components include antibiotics and substances that improve blood circulation in the local area mikroukola.

The course of treatment and anti-aging mesotherapy is assigned only after a preliminary medical examination. From your medical history should depend prescribed treatment, and the composition of cocktails.

Mesotherapy - a popular procedure for facial rejuvenation. How effective is it?

Anti-aging injections, part of which necessarily includes hyaluronic acid, the only effective way to deliver it to the deeper layers of skin. It is caused by deficiency of the acid aging process. Thanks to its presence in the deep layers of the skin lack of moisture is eliminated and normal quantity and condition of the collagen and elastin fibers. Collagen and elastin are also components of rejuvenating cocktails. These and other useful components for the skin, after several sessions of mesotherapy there is a noticeable lifting effect, eliminates wrinkles, laxity, edema, ptosis, and so on.

A full course of mesotherapy, depending on the initial condition of your skin, can take up to 5 months. Oval faces can recover for 4-8 procedures and eliminate the hernia under the eyes - for 1-4 treatments. Efficiency depends on the regularity of how often you repeat a course, and it is recommended to do twice a year.

Complications during mesotherapy include bruising and bruising, skin lesions, thickening and compaction equipment violation provoked. Furthermore, there is a risk of introducing infection.

What you should know about mesotherapy

Because hyaluronic acid is actively involved in metabolic processes occurring in the body, a single injection completely resolve within the first 2-3 weeks, depending on how your skin is dehydrated. It is therefore recommended to make mesotherapy courses, the frequency of sessions should be 1 time per week. As for maintenance requires regular repetition rate, the probability of occurrence of withdrawal symptoms when stopping the infusion with a sharp deterioration in appearance.

Tags: skin, face, cocktail, mesotherapy procedure, rejuvenation