Through a thin catheter under vacuum from under the skin sucked fat. After the procedure within six months you will need to wear special clothes or dressing. Remember that this procedure, although not an operation, but is complicated and stressful for the body. You can do it only in the salon that you fully trust. Besides, if you do not follow the correct diet extra pounds back into place.
With the help of fine needles into the skin problem areas introduce a special cocktail that destructive effect on body fat. The composition of these cocktails contains biologically active substances, vitamins, minerals, drugs, and venotoniki limfotoniki. The usual course of 8-10 sessions once in 7-10 days. During the course of mesotherapy can not do massage, sauna and steam bath. Mesotherapy is contraindicated for allergies, cancer or blood disorders, epilepsy, herpes, as well as during pregnancy and lactation.
The most popular, proven and effective method. Acupressure effectively reduce body weight. It is made by acting on specific points of the body. Acupressure reduces appetite and thus prevents the deposition of extra pounds. Anti-cellulite massage - is used to destroy fat problem areas and eliminates the appearance of cellulite and removes extra pounds. Swedish massage is carried out using essential oils. A very effective massage to destroy fat. As well stimulate blood circulation. Any type of massage can not be carried out at an elevated temperature, burns, wounds, bruises, varicose veins, cancer, fractures, and in the first trimester of pregnancy
Lymphatic drainage
This procedure in sequence stimulates the muscles, which favorably affects the lymph drainage, activates blood circulation, stagnant processes in tissues is much weaker, toxins are eliminated, swelling subsides. With the help of lymphatic drainage withdrawal of excess liquid from the intercellular space and improves body contours. To effect of the procedure usililsya- drink in front of her a lot of water: then the toxins from the body would be displayed easily.
Ultrasound therapy
Very effective hardware method to combat cellulite and excess fat. Allows you to plan your individual program. Works as follows: using high-frequency sound vibrations activates the metabolism, improves cellular metabolism, accelerates the flow of lymph and the formation of collagen and elastin. Ultrasound breaks the fat cells and good fights cellulite.
Wraps are hot and cold. Hot create a sauna effect, and cold constricts blood vessels and capillaries. Used for wraps: seaweed, mud, clay, sea salt, plant extracts, essential oils, chocolate and much more. This kind of procedures copes well with cellulite, fights with fat, reduces the volume, removes excess fluid and toxins, smoothes and nourishes the skin.
But, no matter what procedure you will not have preferred, it is important to keep in shape with the help of proper nutrition and physical activity at least hiking outdoors. Otherwise, all efforts will be in vain.