ELOS-rejuvenation is based on the combined effect on the body of the light energy and power. This method is quite painful and may cause redness and irritation. But thanks ELOS-rejuvenation stimulates the production of collagen and elastin by the body that gets rid of many cosmetic defects and significantly improve skin condition.
Another effective way - rejuvenation using pharmacological and hormonal drugs. The most popular of its kind is the use of antioxidants that slow the aging process and health-organism as a whole. The disadvantage of this method - the difficulty of choosing the most suitable drug, because must take into account the effect of a very large number of components.
Resurfacing based on the effects on the skin luminous flux of high intensity. After several treatments the patient improves skin tone, fade age spots and wrinkles, improves complexion. The disadvantages of rejuvenation is the fact that its effect is only the appearance and health of the body do not affect light waves. In addition, sessions photorejuvenation contraindicated in diseases of the skin and blood, cancer, pregnancy. Not suitable this method and people with dark skin.
There are many other ways aimed only at external rejuvenation. Among them, mesotherapy, chemical peels and deep, plastic surgery, the use of biogels and gold threads. These methods are able to transform the human appearance, but they have many contraindications and limitations.
Finally it is worth noting that the use radical methods of rejuvenation worth only after all other methods have been tried. Particular care should be in choosing a specialist, you are going to trust. Do not try to save money and to carry out the procedure at home or in questionable establishments - to restore the lost beauty and health will be much more expensive!