Tattoo: "for" and "against"

Tattoo: "for" and "against"
 Many things, passing through the centuries, changing its original meaning. If the knights during a party hit the cup on the cup to the wine in them mixed up and nobody took it into his head to poison each other, during the current feasts is the usual friendly gesture. Same story with the tattoo. Initially, being the hallmarks of a particular tribe or wearing a deep sacral meaning, special signs have become a fashion trend and a form of art.

More precisely, the former purpose of tattoos has not been lost completely. Very often, the owners of the drawings on the body put in their body art deep meaning, hoping that the needle master left its mark not only on the skin, but also on the whole of human life.

Meaning of tattoos.

The fundamental error of those who decided to make a tattoo - it is a certainty that the selected pattern will always be relevant to them. Yes, today you enjoy listening to the Californian punk, Yorkshire terriers and neighbor Volodya, and perhaps you think it will last forever. However, even Leo Tolstoy was proposed in the literature reception, called "dialectic of the soul."

The human soul is dynamic and changeable, and no one can guarantee that your interests will not change in a month. Therefore, if you decided to make a tattoo, then either choose a neutral figure, or one that over the years has remained relevant for you. It was not necessary then to reduce Volodya name from the shoulder.

Do not neglect the careful and detailed study of the values ​​of the drawings. Because the language of the pattern on the body (as, in general, and any other language) - a system of signs in which the sign has several interpretations. If a tattoo of a butterfly at the Mayan symbolized immortality of the human soul, in some areas of Tokyo with a tattoo you can misunderstand.

Potent magic symbols on the body are also dangerous. And this is not fiction esoteric. The fact that certain characters have already formed in the public mind some stereotypes that live in this consciousness regardless of the wishes of the people. In simpler terms, then yes, the magic power that you expect from your sign, really manifest itself, but it will be out of control due to the action of stereotypes. Such power is uncontrollable and can cause you serious harm in moral terms.

Fine workmanship and care.

If you do decide on a tattoo, choose a certified salon with a good reputation. Tattoo - it is a business in which you can not hope for the best.

All removable parts of the tool from the master to be disposable, the situation - absolutely sterile. Technology tattooing is repeated needle puncture of the skin, so you can carry infection for a couple of seconds.

By the way, ask for feedback on the work of people of a particular master. After all, his professionalism - the key to a beautiful, high-quality work, and that itself is not ashamed to wear.

You will have to follow all the recommendations for the care of the tattoo.
Remember that contact with tattoos have always carefully. For example, try to avoid nicks and cuts - they are not only painful and fraught with inflammation, but also scars from them may damage or distort your tattoo.

Tattooists unanimously claim and asking remember once and for all temporary tattoos do not happen. There are bio-henna tattoos, but they are washed away in a couple of weeks. If someone promises you a tattoo for a month, six months, a year, you should know that you are trying to mislead.


Modern technologies allow to reduce any tattoo with a few exceptions. That is, if you made yourself so-called "sleeve", when the tattoo covered an extensive area of ​​the skin, then it will be difficult to reduce. However, the procedure is quite painful laser information, and in some cases may remain unsightly scars.

Public attitudes.

And once again about stereotypes. In society, they are tenacious, like cockroaches, so if you're going to get a job in a solid company or a nanny in a kindergarten, and on the face and hands you a lily blossom or fluttering birds, be prepared to misunderstanding. Great if your family and friends are comfortable with your idea to get a tattoo, but it does not always happen.

Carefully weigh the "pros" and "cons". Look at the idea of ​​tattooing in two ways: by your desire and from common sense. And only then make the right decisions.

Tags: tattoo