Moon and Beauty

Moon and Beauty
 Even in ancient Keats knew that the influence of the moon is very multifaceted and significant for many processes of human life. The result of this even ordinary activities like cutting hair, may depend on the phase of the moon. Its not for nothing called assistant women and their patroness. Fall under its influence not only the physical and emotional well-being, but also beauty.
 Been scientifically proven that the moon has a direct impact on the effect of beauty treatments. And its influence is not always positive, and therefore to have on hand beauty lunar calendar is a must. It contains not very favorable day for various caregivers manipulation: haircut, manicure, foot care, masks, peels and more.

Before deciding on any cosmetic procedure or a trip to the beauty salon, study lunar calendar and determine when and what is best worth doing. For example, anti-aging procedures should be performed at the new moon, when the moon is just beginning to grow. At this time, the metabolic and regenerative processes in the body are accelerated, and the action of moisturizing, nourishing and pull-up creams, serums and masks will be most pronounced.

Waxing Moon favors many kinds of plastic surgeries and massage, experiments with new cosmetic and health-restoring drugs, physical activity and body shaping. Contraindicated in the new moon be treated with hormones and implant artificial implants.

Full moon - quite a difficult lunar cycle affects both the physical and mental well-being, and the condition of the skin. Despite the fact that at this time the physical and mental activity is increased and the effect of cosmetics is shown in full, is strictly prohibited any transactions related to blood loss. Are not recommended and activities that violate the integrity of the tissues, which include many plastic surgeries. Caution should introduce new means of decorative cosmetics and care. However, the full moon has a positive effect on hair growth, getting rid of toxins and losing weight. During this period, cosmetologists are advised to cut their hair to their enhanced growth, try fasting diets and numerous masks.

When the moon is waning, the body adjusts to the disposal of waste materials. So it's time to do peels, exfoliating and deep cleansing mask. During this period, just held plastic surgery for the correction of the chin, nose, ears, and braces, dentures, removal of warts and moles, all types of hair removal. Waning Moon favors treatment homeopathy, acupuncture and bioenergy.

Tags: calendar, moon, procedures, cosmetology