Gialuronoplastika - injections of hyaluronic acid

Gialuronoplastika - injections of hyaluronic acid
 Stress, poor nutrition, poor environment, active facial expressions, excess ultraviolet radiation - all of this has a negative impact on the state of our skin. Over time, creams and lotions do not give the desired effect, and to radical measures to address it is too early. In this case, come to the aid gialuronoplastika - safe and effective method of beauty that can be used has a field for 25 years.

Hyaluronic acid - one of the important components of the chemical composition of the skin, affecting the production of elastin and collagen fibers. That is why the injection of hyaluronic acid - one of the safest and most effective ways to improve the appearance of skin. After this procedure, you are guaranteed to get a more healthy and smooth complexion, get rid of the irregularities and traces of acne. Hyaluronic acid helps to improve the oval face, the disappearance of wrinkles and enlarged pores.

The effect of such care is comparable to a surgical facelift, it's about so called hyaluronic acid injections gialuronoplastikoy. Another name for this method - bioreviatalizatsiya. Such a procedure should be carried in the cabin exclusively from proven specialist, because 50% success depends on his work and professionalism.

The most famous today hyaluronic acid - IAL System, Juvederm Hydrate, Perlane, Restylane. The concentration of hyaluronic acid in such formulations is several times greater than its natural content in the skin, and it is provided with an instant effect of improving the appearance of the face.

Gialuronoplastiku be done in several steps, for example, two procedures a week. The course is better to repeat on a regular basis - 2 times a year. Before biorevitalization you negotiate with the beautician main problem areas that you want to adjust. Then the specialist makes microinjection on a pre-planned lines in these areas. Sometimes they can be painful, so if you have a low pain threshold, it is desirable to use a light anesthetic cream or pill reserved anesthetic. However, such measures are often not needed at all.

Be aware that after the procedure on the face in the injection site are pinkish papules which disappear in 1-2 days. Therefore gialuronoplastiku better to do before the weekend.

Biorevitalization used not only for the skin. This procedure is effective for the treatment of hair and can also be applied to the body. Hyaluronic acid injections can help get rid of stretch marks and cellulite.
To trace the result of biorevitalisation, take a picture of your face before the procedure, and then - a few days after her. So you can see how effective is hyaluronic acid.

Tags: acid treatment, injection, beauticians, biorevitalization, gialuronoplastika