
 Visually enlarge lips give them volume can change shape slightly using simple manipulations. Bright lipstick, lip gloss, a properly sized circuit - and voila, seductive mouth ready for a kiss. Longer lasting effect is achieved by means of tattooing, which now can be done in almost all beauty salons. But if you have not enough or there are more serious problems, you come to the aid chiloplasty. The fact that it is, and tell today women's magazine JustLady.  

There are two main types of plastic lips: contour and drape.

Contour chiloplasty

If you want to correct a small defect (age flattening of the lips, wrinkles, etc.), then you are likely to be recommended this kind of plastic lips. It is carried out by injecting various substances.

Today there are several types of injection preparations, which differ in their composition and the duration of conservation effect.

The introduction of artificial preparation (Artecoll) well in that the volume of your lips will remain for a long time. However, possible allergic reaction to the substance. Therefore, if you are prone to allergies, it is best to discuss with a doctor other drugs.

For example, the reaction does not cause the introduction of your own fat (lipofilling) or collagen. Collagen is safe, but unfortunately quickly resolved. As for the fat, then all will depend on your body's ability to absorb fat. The slower it is absorbed, the longer will be the effect.

It is also possible introduction collagen taken from the animals. But there is a risk of allergy. The effect is preserved from one to three months.

Sometimes the injection is taken human collagen taken from a dead person (Dermalogen). The effectiveness of this procedure will be the same as when administered avtokollagena.

Connective tissue (taken from you or from the body as deceased person) also gives the desired effect. Plump lips, acquired in this way, will you please about a year, then the matter will resolve.

Gel which contains hyaluronic acid (Restylane) is also often used for these procedures. Hyaluronic acid is a natural substance that is produced in our body, but the minimum probability of allergy is still there.
But HylaForm, produced from human tissues, most likely will not have such effects, but its effect is short enough, and you will have to periodically repeat the procedure.

After injection in most cases, you will go home the same day, giving some instructions for the care of lips. In the first two days after the procedure is possible swelling and bruising, but then they will. Some discomfort may persist for up to 14 days, but with proper care (cold in the early days, physiotherapy later) will help to reduce this time.

When the gel injections, there is also the possibility of reducing the volume of the lips after a month and a half after the procedure. This is due to the fact that the water content of the gel can be digested by the body. Then re-correction is performed.

The effect of the contourcheiloplasty natural substances usually lasts from six months to 12 months. Among the synthetic drugs today there are those who promise lasting effect up to 5 years.

Depending on what material is chosen for the injection, the doctor may select a local anesthetic or general anesthesia.


 Surgical chiloplasty

Surgicalchiloplasty There are two main types.

Aesthetic chiloplasty aims to eliminate the shortcomings that do not like you. For example, give the volume of flat lips, lift the drooping corners, eliminate wrinkles, change the shape of the lips.Reconstructive chiloplasty designed to eliminate birth defects (such as cleft lip), any effects of trauma.

Aesthetic chiloplasty includes several methods, the choice of which will depend on your needs, as well as from the fact that the surgeon will advise you.


Implants injected under the skin of the lips through small incisions in the corners. This operation may also be taken natural and artificial materials.

Safe in terms of rejection or allergy method of implanting own fat. But then, as already mentioned, there is a chance that such implants quickly dissolve. Another option natural implants - collagen plate. In the case of natural materials for implantation effect lasts approximately 9 months, although there are cases where a second operation required no earlier than 2 years.

Various artificial implants can achieve more consistent results, because your body does not assimilate them. But here, as you should always take into account the possible reaction.

More radical surgery to change the shape of the lips ischiloplasty own tissues. In this case, the cuts are made along the contour of the upper and lower lips, then excess skin is removed and re-bonded edge sections using joints. With this operation, you can create a new shape of the lips, make other adjustments.

For correction of more complex defects, and other applicable sections. In any case, such an operation takes place in a hospital. The choice of anesthesia depends on the complexity of the operation and can be both local and general. Sutures are usually removed 3-4 days later they are fully absorbed and does not leave any marks.

Chiloplasty: preparation

First of all, if you decide to chiloplasty, you have to be examined as before any other operation. You should inform the doctor about the famous allergic reactions, if necessary, he will conduct additional tests.

If you are taking any medications, smoke, you need to tell it to the surgeon, he will say that you can and can not do before and after the operation. If the doctor deems necessary to carry out drug preparation before surgery, he will appoint the necessary preparations.

Make sure that the house you had everything you need, because the need to spend some time in solitude. Stock up on ice (it may be necessary for application to the lips), as well as products that do not need to chew. In this respect, good yogurt, curds, puddings, etc.

Chiloplasty: contraindications

As with any surgical procedure, the grounds for refusal can serve as a chronic disease, problems with blood clotting, and various infections. You will also be denied in operation in the presence of herpes sores. So, if you clone to this illness, take care of his treatment in advance.

It will be appreciated thatchiloplastyAs well as any other intervention gives a certain percentage of failures and the possibility of complications. So if you notice that after surgery you have too long the swelling, any soreness, which you were not warned, high fever, immediately seek medical help.

Although, reviews, operations and injections do not usually cause much problem with the correct selection of specialist and all the recommendations for rehabilitation.

Alexander Panyutin
Women's magazine JustLady