All the myths about liposuction

All the myths about liposuction
 Over the years, the human body undergoes changes, wear and aging. For many women, age-related changes of the body become a real disaster. None of us would like to see in a mirror reflection of old age, and even more so to enjoy all the "charms" withering once young and fit body. Even active fitness and grueling diets do not save us from fat and sagging skin.

Most of the ladies are concerned about the surgical procedure removing excess fat - liposuction. However, all doubt of the correctness and security of the operation of choice. In order not to be disappointed after the operation, and as a result do not start feeling sorry for, get rid of a few popular myths about liposuction. The only way you can make the right decision and irrevocable.

Myth 1: Liposuction promotes weight loss

With liposuction really get rid of fat in the hips, buttocks, arms and abdomen, but this operation does not affect the process of losing weight. However, if you stick to a healthy diet and moderate physical activity, but in this case we can say that liposuction has helped you a little bit closer to the desired result. Not all women are equally easy to lose weight. Most need to work hard to throw off the "ballast" weighing several kilograms. This is where experts in the field of plastic surgery recommend doing liposuction, only as an auxiliary procedure to lose weight. Nothing more.

Myth 2. With liposuction, you can easily get rid of cellulite

Fat and cellulite - completely different things. Cellulite appears due to non-uniform intensity of the absorption of fat cells, substances and water. Result - seal fat tissue heterogeneity and their structures form the "orange peel". Liposuction can worsen the condition of cellulite, so instead she should choose mesotherapy sessions. It can be easily and safely eliminates the causes of bumpy skin and relieves you of excess fat each time more and more. Estheticians, among other "pluses" mesotherapy release:

1. Dissolution of excess fat deposits.
2. Removal of fat from the fat cells
3. Improves blood flow to a certain area of ​​the body.
4. Accelerates lymphatic drainage.
5. Removes hardened fibrous connective tissue.
6. It is purely non-invasive nature.
7. Mesotherapy does not require long-term rehabilitation.
8. It is used in areas affected by the "orange peel"

Myth 3. Liposuction save you from saggy and flabby skin

This operation is aimed purely at removing fat from problem areas. Get rid of excess skin left over after liposuction, it will not be able. If your goal - a flat stomach, make it a circular lift. Liposuction does not give you relief from the press "cubes", but it will help smooth out problem areas and give them a clear path.

Myth 4. After liposuction adipose tissue is not restored

This is the most harmful, erroneous and is a common misconception about liposuction. Women are beginning to think that after the operation they can safely abandon the exercise and diet, as most of the fat is removed, and the extra pounds they are not threatened. Know what time of liposuction doctor removes not all fat cells. If after liposuction patient starts hard to gain weight, all of these "surplus" will accumulate on untreated plots.

Myth 5: Liposuction will solve all your psychological problems

Doctors confirm that after liposuction patients have been positive psychological changes, such as increasing the level of self-esteem. However, a more serious psychological disorders liposuction is unlikely to help heal. If you have bulimia or anorexia nervosa (an eating disorder), and you think that liposuction can help get rid of this disease, think several times. Liposuction combined with an eating disorder gives sometimes catastrophic and irreversible results. People who are prone to depression, often believe that the change of appearance should have a positive impact on their psychological state. In this case, liposuction will only bring temporary relief, not in any way fix the root problem. If you have symptoms of depression or an eating disorder, seek help not to a plastic surgeon and a qualified therapist or psychologist.

Myth 6. The result of the operation is visible immediately

Do not be surprised if the morning after liposuction, you will find that the volume of the body become even greater. Get ready for the fact that within a few days, and perhaps weeks, the body will be swollen. This is due to water retention. Result liposuction noticeable only after two to three weeks, instead of a few days after surgery. So please be patient and do not believe what they say incompetent friends.

Tags: Liposuction, myth