Struggling with freckles home remedies

Struggling with freckles home remedies
 Although freckles give a person the freshness and appeal, seek to get rid of them. In the course are all means - whitening masks, lotions, the use of corrective products. Homemade recipes are not less effective than the finished cosmetic formulations.
 Traditional Brightening Mask - Cucumber. These properties of cucumber used even our great-grandmothers who want to get rid of freckles. Just cook it - Grate the cucumber and apply lightly pressed on the location of the mass of freckles. You can use cucumber slices or squeezed cucumber juice, which can wipe the skin throughout the day.

Dairy products good job of lightening the skin - they successfully compete with pigmented spots and freckles. Soured milk is not necessary to pour - dilute two parts of the product of one part of dry wheat bran. The resulting mass apply to the skin. After half an hour, remove the structure of a soft, damp sponge and moisten the skin nourishing cream. Instead of bran can be used cottage cheese (for dry skin) or a mixture of oatmeal and grated horseradish (for oily skin).

Bleaching properties of pumpkin for cooking effective use masks - boil a few slices of pumpkin, mash them and apply on face. Of mashed pumpkin seeds mixed with honey, get a good structure to lighten freckles.

Parsley lightens stains and refreshes the skin, soothes irritated tissue - use herbs for infusion. Brew a few fresh sprigs of parsley boiled water for a few hours - ostuzhennym composition wipe not only places where the freckles, but the entire face, neck and neck. If fresh, finely crumbled parsley mixed with mayonnaise or sour cream, you get a mask for dry skin.

Lemon juice can help in the fight with freckles - wipe them with a slice of lemon or apply it dotted by dipping a cotton swab in juice. Onions have similar reactivity - its juice can lighten tissue. In the form of a mask it is used in combination with honey or beaten egg whites and fruit juice should be applied directly to freckles.

Oily skin to get rid of excess sebum in the application of the mask of hydrogen peroxide and starch. Mix the material in a uniform slurry and lubricate the skin. After a few minutes, wash with acidified water. A mixture of grated radish and oil changes the color of freckles and applied to dry skin.

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