Prepare your skin for Autumn

Prepare your skin for Autumn
 August days are short. So much still needs to be done: to prepare his son to school to update your wardrobe, complete the repair. For all of these it is easy to forget the troubles predosennimi currently. But your skin, tired summer sun, it is not ready for the stress associated with the change of season.

It's only August. The abundance of fruits and vegetables in the markets of the city pleases the eye, and summer days still hot, sunny, languid. It seems that winter has never been and never will be, and snowdrifts, the low winter sky and biting north wind - this is just someone's stupid fantasy that will never become a reality.

However, in August. , Starred at night becomes cool, and spread out on beds reappear warm blankets, waited summer on the mezzanine. Autumn sleepily opened her yellow eyes, sighed, stretched, and went on a journey through the streets of cities hopefuls their golden hem.

So, soon will have to again change clothes, get out of the distant cabinets jackets and raincoats, umbrellas and autumn shoes. Pretty sad. And the skin .... Again, these seasonal problems: peeling, dryness, fine (a month ago was not yet!) Wrinkles.

Yes, everyone knows that the sun - the main enemy of the skin. But how can you avoid the temptation and not allow solar rays gild the cheeks? But autumn summer gilding the face begins to descend, exposing deepen wrinkles, flaking (a consequence of incontinence during sunbathing), dehydration and unhealthy look.

All this means that by the autumn of the skin should be prepared with special care. In the time remaining before the cold rainy need to repair the damaged skin barrier, it can be easily transferred to the stress associated with the change of season.

The main "postletnyaya" skin problem - dehydration. To solve it, you need to twice a week use a scrub and apply moisturizing, nourishing mask. Of course, the pharmacy means a luxury very good, but if it is possible, it is better still to use the gifts of nature.

August - apple season. Apple mask superbly refreshing, smooth and moisturize the skin. After they face shines like filler apple. To make such a mask: apple pulp is pounded to a pulp, which is then added to the cream, cottage cheese, sour cream, honey or (for oily skin) egg white. That's the whole mask.

If the skin is mature, instead of apples can use the flesh of plums. Food Technology is the same as that for malic mask. Masochki applied on the face for 20-30 minutes, then washed with warm water. Incidentally, for more efficiency in any of the formulations prepared with natural-based, can add a few drops of fat-soluble vitamins A and E.

Nourishing mask with olive oil - a good remedy for peeling. Just taken 1 teaspoon olive oil 1 tsp honey, 1 tbsp oatmeal and 1 egg yolk. All components are mixed and applied to the face for fifteen minutes.

A couple of weeks of increased attention to the skin - and now returned to the lost was gentle smoothness and elasticity. Not too hard to find whiny autumn beaming smile, fully armed young freshness.

Tags: leather, autumn, mask, problem, care, peeling, dehydration