How to deal with freckles

How to deal with freckles
 Very often freckled face touches and enchants all around, in addition, those who were lucky enough to have freckles. If they do not give you peace of mind, and you in that no matter what you want to get rid of them, you can deal with them in different ways.

There are many popular recipes of masks and lotions that allow lighten dark spots, which are in fact freckles. One of the most common - cucumber infusion. Take 3 tablespoons of fresh cucumber seeds or grate cucumber on a fine grater and pour vodka slurry (approximately 0, 2 liters), a mixture of leave to infuse overnight. After that, wipe the skin obtained infusion twice a day.

By any means, even of vegetable origin, do not overdo it. But you can try to wipe the skin one of the following recipes: sour milk, juice of dandelion leaves or parsley, lemon juice, black hot tea, horseradish juice in equal proportions diluted with water.

Apply on the face mask of sour cream and cottage cheese (PA1 tablespoon) mixed with 1 teaspoon of hydrogen peroxide. Keep this mask for about 20 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

If the composition means that you wipe your face enters acid or hydrogen peroxide, certainly after the procedure lubricate the skin nourishing cream.

These methods can lighten freckles, but not at a time and not forever, because these dark spots laid genetically. Someone seems more effective one way, someone else will help more, but really get rid of freckles, you can only radical way - with the help of modern technology in medicine.

Laser skin resurfacing is a few sessions to remove the top layer of skin.

There is also a method such as ozone, injecting rejuvenation, freckles resulting largely lightened.

Before taking action, particularly radical, think again, do you really need to change their appearance, it is no wonder that so many people believe that the freckles give a special charm.

Tags: spot, freckle removal