How to choose a mask for oily skin

How to choose a mask for oily skin
 What masks are best suited for oily skin? Let's define what to look for when choosing a mask for the face of the problem among a great many very different proposals in stores.

Very often, the composition for oily skin of masks clay present. This is not surprising - after all, it contains a lot of useful for oily skin and trace elements that can greatly reduce sebum production and purify the skin. The most commonly used kaolin, ie plain white clay. It perfectly refreshes the skin, tightens facial contours and can be Prek?% 8snoy basis for a huge number of masks with different additives: from fruit to essential oils.

Black and green clay also have excellent problem skin effect: not only do they effectively cope with excess sebum and refreshes the skin, but also have a drying and anti-inflammatory effects. Masks from these types of clay are highly recommended for a large amount of inflammation, pimples and local imperfections.

As part of masks for oily skin may also be present elements such as magnesium and zinc. Zinc - a great and even a universal remedy for many ills associated with oily and problematic skin. For example, he is responsible for seboregulyatsiyu (so differently and is the process of sebum production), as well as struggling with ulcers and inflammation. So if you are tired of ugly shine and make you want to correct every two hours, feel free to look at the composition of zinc masks - and you will not regret it!

A very popular and effective component of masks for oily skin is essential tea tree oil. What is it great? This is a long-established well-known antiseptic component that handles wonderfully, even with severe inflammation and subcutaneous pimples. If your skin is prone to pimples red unpleasant note on the mask with tea tree oil, and the skin will become much drier and fresher.

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