Complex Gymnastics for mature skin

Complex Gymnastics for mature skin
 With age, the skin on the face is undergoing significant changes. To slow down the aging process, it is necessary to maintain it in good shape. To do this systematically follow an exercise program for mature skin.

To maintain the beauty of the face and neck using these exercises. "Tube-smile": fold his lips, then pull into a smile, but without showing his teeth. Exercise "Hamster". Inflate cheeks, then hit them with his hands, to release the air.

Inhale deeply through your nose. Inflate cheeks. Exhale air through closed lips points. Exercise perform 3-4 times.

For the prevention of wrinkles around the eyes include in your set of exercises "Owl". First, bulging, and then relax your eyes. Repeat alternately several times. This exercise can be supplemented by another way: his eyes bulging and wide open mouth, as if wondering something, relax your eyes, close your mouth.

Another variation of this exercise is high compression age for 4-5 seconds and subsequent relaxation. Count to 10 and quickly blink of an eye. Relax for 3 seconds, then repeat the exercise.

Jawline will help to strengthen the following exercise. Taps lips turn left, then right. To prevent the formation of acute nasolabial folds helpful winced nose.

To strengthen the muscles of the cheeks clearly pronounce the vowel sounds by 5-6 times. Follow and this exercise: slightly open and closes his lips, jaw thus remain stationary.

The following exercise helps to strengthen the muscles of the neck and is the prevention of the formation of double chin. Stick out your tongue and try them reach the tip of the nose.

To improve the blood supply to the skin perform this exercise. Turn your head to the right, then to the left. After that, drop it on the chest, exhale. For facial muscles is also very useful laughter.

The result of the exercise did not wait, do exercises regularly. It is not necessary to designate a time. Do the exercises while walking, cooking, work - in any place convenient for you. But do not forget to relax. Evening after washing sit in front of a mirror and with myself do exercises for the face.

Tags: skin, face, a complex exercise, gymnastics