How to quickly get a tan in the solarium

How to quickly get a tan in the solarium
 Have a beautiful tanned body - the dream of many. In pursuit of her many neglect safety rules and harm your health. This primarily relates to the fans of sunbathing. With prolonged exposure to the sun, the skin loses a lot of moisture, causing wrinkles faster. You can quickly get a tan, but this will have to use tanning except a number of rules and guidelines.

For forty minutes before solarium drink a glass of carrot juice or eat some apricots, these products will help to give tan bronze shade.

It is better to use a solarium with new, not exhaust more than 20 hours lamps. In this case, you can count on the most deep tan. But in the salons of the old equipment you rather get burned, than to really light up. Besides, there are various types of lamps. Blue help tan faster, but the effect will not last long, but green lights, on the contrary, provide a long result but stand under them have much longer.

Be sure to clean and moisturize the skin before going to the solarium. So tan lie better on the skin. For immediate effect, you can use a sunblock with a bronzer. It contains particles tanning, so the skin becomes darker after the first visit to the solarium. Like all other bronzers, cream rather quickly descend from the skin, but if you go to the solarium periodically, you almost do not notice this.

Time tanning is usually from 3 to 15 minutes. Longer be in the booth is not recommended. To tan was more uniform, it is better to choose a vertical solarium. Well, if it is equipped with special lamps for the face, as it tans much slower.

For a beautiful tan is better to visit a solarium every 2 or 3 days, but the result is enough to sustain all once a week.

Remember that sunburn can occur immediately. This will happen in a few hours and possibly days.

Within two hours after the procedure, you can not take a bath or shower, as you risk rinse result. After the shower is better to use moisturizing lotions or creams to restore the natural balance of the skin.

Tags: solarium, visit, tan