How to prevent stretch marks

How to prevent stretch marks
 Stretch marks can appear in adolescence, in pregnant women and women giving birth, as well as sharp fluctuations in weight due to hormonal changes. If the skin is not sufficiently elastic, on the ground that are most susceptible to tension (it's stomach, breasts, thighs), and stretch marks appear. Recently appeared stretch marks can be red or purple, and then they turn white.
 It is difficult to predict whether there will have stretch marks during pregnancy, after childbirth or when trying to throw off those extra pounds. Therefore, it is best to prevent their occurrence.

There are a lot of cosmetics designed to prevent stretch marks. There are special creams for expectant mothers, for those who are actively involved in sports and lose weight. You can choose the one that best suits your situation.

Most often in cosmetics from extensions include essential oils of lavender and tangerine, cocoa and avocado, almonds and wheat germ, as well as collagen, elastin, horse chestnut extract and chamomile.

To prevent the appearance of stretch marks can not use creams, and ingredients that are part of these cosmetics. So, to prevent stretch marks skin of the abdomen and thighs can be lubricated with oil every day Petitgrain and jojoba oil or cocoa. You can also make a mixture of a teaspoon of olive oil and 2-3 drops of vitamin E.

If there are no contraindications to the use of the massager (eg massager is not recommended to use during pregnancy and lactation), before the massage problem areas can be spread by means of the above.

To prevent stretch marks is useful to take a daily douche, do physical exercises. But in sports, it is important to increase the load gradually, as the excessive zeal may lead to stretching of the muscles and skin.

If stretch marks have begun to appear, can be mixed with 2 ml of lavender, tangerine oil, Petitgrain, 1 ml oils of neroli and limetta. The resulting mixture should be applied to the skin and left for 20 minutes. After that, rub into the skin of wheat germ oil. Such rubbing should be done daily for three weeks.

You can also try to make a mixture of almond oil and rosemary oil, or make a mixture of mummy and baby cream.

With old stretch marks at home to deal difficult. They help to cope in beauty salons by mechanical, chemical or laser peels, mesotherapy, wraps or abdomenoplastiki.

Tags: Stretching, appearance