How to moisturize the skin around the eyes

How to moisturize the skin around the eyes
 Under the skin around the eyes is almost no muscle and subcutaneous fat, which is why it is very sensitive and prone to stretching. First wrinkles often appear exactly on it, so even if you are young and your skin is perfect, do not neglect the eyelid skin moisture.
 The skin around the eye is exposed to stretching almost around the clock (facial expressions, blinking) and if you do not nourish and moisturize it, the first signs of aging will not keep you waiting. That is why the choice of means to Treat humidification especially seriously. 25-30 years should not use anti-aging cosmetic products, as your skin is still no need of them and is able to produce collagen (a component that protects the skin from premature aging) alone.

When choosing a moisturizer for the face paying special attention to its structure. Try to choose light or gel moisturizer - they are heavier and do not clog the delicate eyelid skin, and therefore allow it to breathe.

If the skin around the eyes retain moisture and needs to be increased recharge, you should pay attention to the natural oils that can be purchased at the pharmacy or on nutrient cream or serum.

It is very important to pay attention to the composition of assets to moisturize the skin around the eyes. If the skin is sensitive age you have, then you should be used with caution means that there is lanolin, since this component can cause redness and swelling. Also note the presence of vitamins in the facility. The presence of vitamins A and E will be a great addition to the main components of the means for moisturizing the skin age.

A perfect way to moisturize and tone the skin is rubbing century conventional ice cube or ice cube from broth chamomile or calendula.

If moisturize and refresh the skin around the eyes need to quickly, you will come to the aid of the used and cooled tea bags that should be put on the eyes for 5-10 minutes.

It is important to know and remember that moisturizing skin around the eyes will not be effective if you forget to clean the skin, remove any makeup before going to bed. To cleanse the skin tender age should choose a light moisturizing lotion, foam or lotion.

If you notice even the most mild irritation or redness after using various means to moisturize the skin around the eyes, it is not worth the risk and use this tool further.

Tags: Eye, skin, face, tool, care, moisturizing