Exfoliation procedure should be carried out once or twice a week. But caution should be used scrub for sensitive or aging skin. Means applied to cleansed, damp skin. Massage the skin for 1-2 minutes, then rinse scrub. After use skin is prepared for the application of moisturizing and nourishing agents. So they will bring much more benefit.
A variety of scrubs and also used for the face. But for him, the abrasive particles to be softer, so as not to injure the skin. In some cases the skin may be too sensitive to scrub. In this case, use a special cleanser - gommazh.
In addition to scrub should regularly use hard sponge. In addition, it will be useful for the prevention and fight against cellulite. Especially effective is the combination of physical effects with anti-cellulite agents, such as gels, oils and creams.
On the body, like the face, may occur inflammation and pimples. They spoil the appearance of the skin and make it lumpy. To combat them, use antibacterial gels and soaps. Well proven products containing sage, rosemary, tea tree and calendula.
For best results, home care should be combined with the cabin. Massage with special oils can contribute to the splitting of fat. Of course, you can do it at home with the help of special devices, but the best effect is given hands of a professional.
A variety of wraps help improve skin elasticity, eliminate toxins, stimulate metabolism and blood circulation. This procedure is performed after the skin has been heated. In this case, the nutrients will function well.
Regularly cares for the skin, protects it from the sun, eat properly, and your skin will thank you, becoming flat and smooth.