What is the difference of night cream day?

What is the difference of night cream day?
 The shops range of face creams is constantly expanding, appear as new brands and varieties of cosmetics. Increasingly, one question arises: whether to buy at once day and night cream, or you can get by with just one? The answer can be found, if you look at the composition - it is very different.  
 The structure of a day cream for the face includes moisturizing ingredients, vitamin supplements and substances that protect against the negative effects of UV rays. The texture is light and gentle. Matting agents are available in gel form - they are suitable for oily skin. Day Cream can be used as a makeup base. Throughout the day, invisible protection helps keep moisture in the upper layers of the epithelium, which helps prevent premature aging.

Night creams are significantly different in their composition. Typically, it includes a nutrient, cosmetic oils, vitamins, collagen and elastin, and vitamin supplements. Even if a day cream jar Set the same composition, it still can not be used in the evening hours, as the amount of additives therein is significantly lower. Some creams have and regenerating properties. Night agents can prolong youthfulness of the skin, get rid of wrinkles and help prevent their occurrence.

Despite all the positive aspects of a night cream, it in no case can not be used during the day, even if you have very dry skin. This is due to the fact that in the no UF-filter. Without protection may appear on the face area with increased pigmentation.

It should be noted immediately that the more expensive the cream, the better it works on the skin. When using cheap cosmetics is no guarantee that day and night means generally differ in their composition and properties. The fact that the components that make up the quality creams are not cheap, but the effect they have, worthy of these costs. If you want to stay young and beautiful for many years, never neglect rule: in the daytime, apply day cream, and in the dark of night.

Tags: face cream, night