How to remove traces of acne

How to remove traces of acne
 Pimples and acne - it's pretty unpleasant phenomenon, which gives a lot of grief not only teenagers, but also adults. However, after the removal of acne on the skin leave marks and scars, which are no less unpleasant than themselves pimples. Today, there are many ways to get rid of visible marks and scars on the skin.  
 Effectively sucked able stains and traces of acne agents based on clay. The structure of such a mask contains 8 g of green clay, which should be diluted with a small amount of clean water to the consistency of cream. In the clay mass need to add four drops of rosemary essential oil. This tool is applied to the skin area where the traces of acne. After ten minutes the mask is washed off and the skin must be well moistened using cream. Do mask twice a week, and the course of treatment will be fourteen days.

Whitening skin, use cucumber juice, you can even make a mask of fresh cucumber slices. Spots and acne marks are removed using broth parsley. Make a decoction and cool it. Then strain and pour into a mold for freezing. Use frozen cubes with parsley broth for wiping the face as often as possible.

To display traces of chronic acne, use old recipes. For example, use a tincture of St. John's wort. To prepare, prepare 200 g of ethanol, put in a 30 g chopped herbs St. John's wort, close the container lid. Then remove the solution in a dark and cool place, where it will infuse for ten days. This tincture then wipe traces of acne.

In beauty salons experts will identify and prompt you which method to remove traces will be the most safe and effective. Many marks and scars can not be removed simply by using folk methods, so there need help cosmetologist or surgeon.

Most quickly and effectively can remove traces of acne with laser peels. The principle of this procedure is to eliminate small areas or scars and scars resulting replace them young and healthy skin.

Under the influence of absorbed laser scars and marks of acne, but the procedure itself is fairly well tolerated by patients. For such grinding does not even require anesthesia, only in some cases used painkillers.

In specialized shops and used chemical peels, which relieves the patient from the traces on the face. When this is applied to the skin preparations with acid, then it is neutralized by certain chemical compounds. At the end of the procedure specialist imposes restoring mask. The number of such procedures, the effectiveness of the method and duration of the recovery period determines the beautician.

Tags: spot, skin, face, trace, acne, pimple care