How to get rid of subcutaneous Wen

How to get rid of subcutaneous Wen
 Why do people get lipoma modern medicine is not completely clear. These benign tumors develop from adipose tissue. Sometimes the process begins within the body, but more often - just under the skin. Not by chance have similar seals and other names - "subcutaneous fatty tumor", "fatty tumor." Ugly bulge of cosmetic defect can develop into a systemic disease, so you should get rid of it in a good clinic.  
 If you have a tumor under the skin, the worst of your actions - to try to remove it yourself folk remedies. It is necessary to confirm the diagnosis of "lipoma" doctor. For harmless seal can take a serious pathology. Removing Wen in unsanitary conditions threatens subcutaneous infection and other complications. Untreated tumor reappears; sometimes unsightly bumps begin to grow throughout the body ("lipomatosis").

Make an appointment with the surgeon and pass the initial examination. The skilled artisan is able to detect soft to the touch and mobile wen. To verify that a benign tumor, the doctor will prescribe a puncture to obtain a sample of tissue. During the histological and cytological studies evaluated the contents and condition of the cell lipoma.

Sometimes additionally required ultrasound, x-ray or CT scan. These surveys help to consider wen in a remote place (eg, breast, abdomen, or throat).

Considered a small tumor less than 3 cm. In the absence of contraindications, in modern clinics provide medical treatment a small lipoma. In tissue overgrown administered drug which leads to resorption tumescence during 2 months. Practice proves the effectiveness of the method: according to various sources, from 60% to 80% of a full recovery.

If you remove wen with medication failed to have to resort to surgery. Operation especially indicated if the seal is located next to vital organs; bordered by the nerve endings and pain; becomes a serious aesthetic problem.

Traditionally, surgeons cut through the fatty tumor and suture. When education is quite small subcutaneous local anesthesia. In more complex cases, a general anesthetic in a hospital, where doctors monitor patients, perform dressings and antibiotics.

Avoid scarring after the removal of lipomas allow bloodless medical procedures such as aspiration: a needle inserted into wen and electric suction removes content. The disadvantage of the method is considered to be the risk of recurrence. Remove this way can only wen without fibrous component - solid and elastic fibers of the fabric.

Recently popular laser and radiowave surgery. This operation is painless and does not leave scars, does not require a hospital and a long time to heal remote lipomas. Despite the attractiveness of operations with a light beam and high frequency sound waves they have a downside - the high cost of equipment. Be prepared to spend and find the clinic with suitable equipment and good advice.

Tags: wen, treatment, tumor, lipoma