As a conclusion birthmarks

As a conclusion birthmarks
 It is not easy to meet someone whose skin is not decorated to moles. Well, if they do not bother and do no harm to the user, giving a certain charm. But in some cases, birthmarks inconvenience to his master, who considers them ugly, and even worse - reborn and become inflamed, threatening his health. In such situations, the only right decision - the removal of such formations.
 Can be divided all moles into good and bad. Good or benign, they have a very clear, correct, symmetrical borders, do not degenerate and do not deliver to his master or mistress of any unpleasant sensations.

Bad, or malignant, can have an asymmetrical shape with different fuzzy patches. They can degenerate into cancerous tumors. It is worth considering if the birthmark causes burning and itching, changes its surface in contact begins to bleed. And then it all very seriously.

There are two types of undesirable effects on the formation. Chemical method consists in burning of moles of liquid nitrogen or solutions of acids and alkalis. This option destroys unwanted formation, bringing considerable damage and inflammation of the skin. Another shortcoming of this method - a long rehabilitation period, during which you can not avoid getting wet and mechanical impact on the healing wound.

Now in the arsenal of dermatologists and surgeons have a large number of modern hardware techniques to remove unwanted and dangerous birthmarks. They are based on the advanced design and impact of using electricity, radio waves or laser beam. Advantages of this method are obvious and unquestionable - speed, efficiency, absence of pain and side effects.

You can display birthmarks and using folk remedies. Prepare a mask based on lemon juice. This will require: a teaspoon of tincture of lemon juice, 2 tablespoons of honey and 1 tablespoon of glycerin. Mix all ingredients. If the mass is liquid, you can add a bit of barley flour. Put the mask on the birthmark and walk around with it for about 20 minutes Then wash it off with mineral water. These masks also have a bleaching effect and can be used as a tool against freckles. The greatest effect of such a mask you get if you use it 1-2 times a day.

In conclusion, it should be noted that excessive love of sunburn can cause degeneration of moles in malignancy.

Tags: spot, birthmark, the way excretion