Excellent softening effect with dry skin have baths with special additives. It is advisable to take a course of procedures - 2-3 times a week for a month and then take softening bath once a week. The duration of such baths - from 15 to 20 minutes, the water should be hot do its pleasantly warm. Try to completely relax, close your eyes and dream of something pleasant. Can play music and dim the lights - so the effect will be even more significant, and bath will benefit not only your body but also helps relieve tension and fatigue. After you take a bath, put on the face and body cream for dry skin - it is perfectly absorbed and your skin will receive a maximum of nutrients.
Mitigating baths are recommended for those who have dry skin of the face, head and body.
When peeling add in a bath of 100 ml of broth made from chamomile and flaxseed.
Soothing and rejuvenating effect on the skin has a so-called "Cleopatra's bath." Take 250 grams of honey and warm it in a water bath, and then dissolved in 1 liter of milk, add 2 tablespoons of almond oil and add to the bath.
Eliminate the irritation and itching will help bath, which was lowered to 300 g almond bran, wrapped in a gauze bag. Such a bag can be used 2-3 times.
Soften the skin, saturate it with minerals and moisture can be using dandelion. We need to take 1 kg of dry raw materials, pour 4 liters of cold water and let stand for 10 minutes, then boil for 5 minutes, leave for another 10 minutes to infuse, strain and add to the bath.
In order to take a bath, do not require large cash expenditures and time, and the result will exceed all expectations. After a few treatments dry scalp, face and body will become hydrated, lost peeling, itching, feeling of tightness. Pay special attention to mitigating baths in the cold season, autumn and spring.