In the category Health: Cosmetic Dentistry
Pressure therapy - rhythms Beauty
Pressure therapy (mechanical lymphatic drainage, pneumomassage, pulse barotherapy) - a method of mechanical massage, carried out by means of compressed air supplied under pressure in a special suit. The procedure can be compared to the measurement using a pressure tonometer, but if the cuff is not worn on the forearm, while the legs, hips and abdomen. However, stimulation of the forearm at pneumomassage not ruled out - there are special barokurtki, with which you can improve the condition of the hands.
And experts, and those who tried pressotherapy literally on his own "orange skin", agree on one thing - in this technique has a powerful advantage, that it is fast action effect pnevmomassazhnogo machine. Alreadyafter the first treatment the patient lose up to 2 cm and note the reduction in the appearance of cellulite. Particularly successful pressure treated so-called cellulite limfootechny (unfired stage). What makes this happen?
Special injection rate and decreasing the pressure in barokostyume acts as a simultaneous massage of the whole body surface selected. It stimulates blood circulation and lymph flow, respectively, stimulating the process of detoxifying and improving bathing cells intercellular fluid. Acceleration of metabolism causes cells to actively break down fat, in addition, output from the body fluid retention. And such a simple process because of its strength and rhythm brings the desired results: according to some estimates, onepressure therapy session on effectiveness is comparable to 30 sessions of manual anti-cellulite massage.
"Acceleration" of lymph and blood,pressure therapy not only fighting cellulite and obesity, but also removes puffiness and tightens the skin. In addition, it is recommended that those who suffer from vascular disease and varicose veins, especially in the early stages. Quite a few times lie in rhythmically inflating pants - and ugly nabryakshie veins in the legs are smoothed, and even disappear altogether.
Standard course presso includes 5 treatments every 2-3 days, the best - at least 10 sessions (this is the amount and intensity of exposure can achieve distinct results and build on the success). Individual rhythm of alternating vacuum and compression (can range from 30 seconds to 2 minutes) and the pressure force determines the results of an expert on prior consultation. Duration of one session - 40-45 minutes. The procedure is completely painless, while it is possible to relax and even take a nap: rhythmic contractions of the inside barokostyuma resemble swinging on the waves of the sea.
The added value
And pressotherapy called "sport for lazy and busy," and doctors prescribe it and those whose second home was the work (or rather - the workplace in front of computer), and those recovering from sports injuries or plastic surgery - barokostyum struggling with cramps, Entrenched removes muscle tension and pain. Rehabilitation opportunities and pressure therapy used when removing the general detoxification, and "pumping" of immunity, as well as a means of helping to overcome stress and depression ...! This bouquet was formed due to the benefits of a minimum of contraindications - pressotherapy can make even those who are not recommended the classic manual massage and lymphatic drainage are other ways, including hardware.
However, a short list of contraindications of usepressure therapy exists, and it must lead. So pneumomassage bring harmful if: pregnancy (starting from the fourth month; previously can be used in isolation in the legs to control edema) and menstruation, thrombophlebitis and thrombosis, edema caused by kidney disease, fractures, suppuration, diabetes, skin diseases in the stage exacerbation of some diseases of the heart. Be careful and be sure to precede the planned rate of pressure therapy doctor's advice!
Returning to the treatment of cellulite, it should be noted thatpressure therapy is valuable not only as an independent procedure, and as a component of an integrated feedback. Was a combination of traditional wraps with a session pneumomassage also often experts recommend combining lymphatic drainage with colon hydrotherapy (purgation). It helps to rejuvenate and tighten the figure significantly improve health.
Finally, the important point remains relatively low cost procedures, making pressotherapy not only effective but also affordable means of struggle for bodily perfection: the cost of the course in one cabin pressure therapy is approximately equal to the cost of, for example, SPA-pedicure in another. Given that the quality of the procedure is virtually independent of "tricked" baroapparata does not require consumables and special staff, obviously inexpensive pneumomassage essentially no worse than the "elite".
Olga mob
Women's magazine JustLady